Lawrence Sheriff School

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About Lawrence Sheriff School

Name Lawrence Sheriff School
Ofsted Inspections
Headmaster Mrs Teresa Mpofu
Address Clifton Road, Rugby, CV21 3AG
Phone Number 01788843700
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character None
Gender Boys
Number of Pupils 1079
Local Authority Warwickshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This school is a truly special place.

Pupils flourish here. They gain a deep knowledge of the things they are taught, and develop into curious, reflective and resilient young people. Leaders and governors are proud of their work, and rightly so.

Leaders pay a great deal of attention to pupils' safety and well-being. Pupils build strong, positive relationships with their peers. There is a clear culture of mutual respect between staff and students.

Pupils value this and know who to turn to should they have a concern. Bullying is exceptionally rare and dealt with swiftly and effectively if it does occur.

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary.

In lesso...ns, they focus on their learning, making the most of every moment available to them. The passion that pupils have for learning is palpable.

Leaders have developed a broad, and ambitious curriculum that extends far beyond the academic.

For example, through the school's enrichment programme, pupils take part in a wide range of high-quality activities, such as a debating club, historic literature club, medical science club and an animal care club. These activities support pupils to develop their love of learning, while also helping them to gain an understanding of their social and moral responsibility

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have created a culture where both academic success and personal growth are celebrated. Leaders' high ambition for pupils, including those in the sixth form, is clear to see in all that they do.

Staff, pupils, and parents share a strong sense of pride in belonging to this school's community.

Leaders have developed a comprehensive and thought-provoking curriculum. Across all subjects, they have carefully considered the precise knowledge that pupils need to know to be successful.

They have made sure that the things that pupils learn build upon what they already know. This helps pupils to remember what they have been taught, and they make strong progress. For example, in modern foreign languages, pupils have a secure knowledge of the grammatical rules of the languages.

Older pupils speak confidently and fluently in French and in German. Pupils soon learn to translate texts with ease and develop a passion for the subject.

Teachers' use of assessment is skilful.

In lessons, including those in the sixth form, teachers methodically check learning to make sure that pupils have understood the important things they have been taught. Teachers rapidly adjust their teaching to fill any gaps in pupils' knowledge. This stops pupils from falling behind.

Leaders are quick to identify pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They make sure that all staff have the information they need to best support these pupils. Teachers make good use of this information, and expertly adapt their teaching to ensure all pupils can access the work given to them.

Because of this, pupils make strong progress throughout their time at the school.

Teachers' expectations of pupils are incredibly high. Within lessons, they challenge pupils by exposing them to a wealth of sophisticated language and texts.

Leaders have made sure that there are ample opportunities in the curriculum for reading. Many pupils also frequently use the school's library. They have a love of reading.

As a result, they speak with enthusiasm and passion about the books and texts that they read from a diverse range of literature. Pupils model the positive behaviours expected of them at every opportunity. For example, during break and lunchtimes, pupils take it upon themselves to avidly practise technical aspects of their favourite sports, such as 'line outs' from rugby.

They practise these techniques in a careful and considered manner.

Leaders' work to develop pupils' character is impressive. It is part of the fabric of the school.

For example, students in the sixth form act as mentors, skilfully guiding younger pupils each day during tutor time. Pupils frequently lead fund raising activities to provide support for communities in need. They have recently provided food and clothing to those displaced by the conflict in Ukraine.

Leaders are relentless in their drive to provide all pupils with the most interesting and varied opportunities to support their personal growth. Nothing is left to chance.There are a wide range of opportunities for pupils to develop their passions outside of the classroom.

For instance, pupils regularly attend a range of sports clubs, such as table tennis and hockey, as well as a philosophical discussion group, and a robotics club. Leaders make sure that all pupils benefit from these opportunities. Pupils told us they value these experiences.

Leaders are rightfully proud of this work. Leaders have made sure that pupils, including those in the sixth form, receive high-quality information about the world of work.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have made sure that all staff have received the training they need to recognise pupils who are at risk of harm. Because of this, staff are vigilant to the changes in pupils' behaviour that may indicate a concern. Leaders are determined; they follow through concerns raised to make sure that action is taken.

They make timely referrals to social services and provide support to pupils and families that need it.

Leaders work closely with local police and other agencies to understand the risk to pupils in their community. They use this knowledge to successfully adapt their curriculum plans to make sure pupils are taught how to keep themselves safe.

Also at this postcode
Onside Coaching East Warwickshire

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