Lea Forest Primary Academy

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About Lea Forest Primary Academy

Name Lea Forest Primary Academy
Website http://www.leaforestacademy.org
Ofsted Inspections
Ms Sharon Burke
Address Hurstcroft Road, Kitts Green, Birmingham, B33 9RD
Phone Number 01216753985
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 559
Local Authority Birmingham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This is an exceptional school where pupils flourish. Leaders and staff work together very successfully so that pupils reach their full potential.

The rich and ambitious curriculum ensures that pupils develop detailed knowledge and understanding over time in all subjects.

Leaders have created an impressive school environment that focuses on supporting pupils' excellent academic achievement. Pupils talk confidently about the displays around school and how these promote their right to have a voice and be heard.

Pupils have an excellent understanding of fundamental British values. They know the importance of celebrating differences and diversity and show this thr...ough their everyday actions. Discrimination is rare.

Pupils know that if it happens, they should 'see it, stop it, solve it'.

Pupils' behaviour and attitudes towards their learning and each other are excellent. They work hard, are keen to learn and achieve exceptionally well.

Disruptions to pupils' learning are rare. Pupils value their education and say that school is an amazing place to be. Pupils are happy and feel safe.

Bullying is not tolerated. Staff work closely with pupils to resolve any issues that do occur.

Pupils are enthusiastic about participating in a programme where they earn credits for completing tasks and attending clubs.

This enables them to take the responsibility for further developing their own talents and interests.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have high expectations and value every pupil as unique. They have designed a highly ambitious curriculum which is well sequenced from the early years through to Year 6.

The curriculum includes the important knowledge that pupils need to learn and remember so that they are well prepared for the next stage of their education.

The warm and welcoming early years environment encourages children to explore their ideas. They enjoy learning and playing together.

Staff use assessment well to focus on finding out what children know and can do. For example, in lessons, staff skilfully use questioning to pinpoint gaps in pupils' knowledge and respond to these effectively. This approach continues as pupils move through the school.

Teaching is adapted exceptionally well for all pupils to help them to secure and deepen their learning.

Leaders prioritise teaching pupils to read right from the start. The early years is rich with opportunities for children to develop their communication and language skills.

This ensures that no time is lost in children starting to learn to read. Leaders have ensured all staff are well trained to teach the school's chosen phonics curriculum. Adults are highly skilled and have expert subject knowledge.

They provide effective, tailored support for those pupils at risk of falling behind. Pupils read books that are well matched to the sounds that they are learning. Pupils quickly become fluent, confident readers.

Reading is at the heart of the curriculum. Pupils enjoy visiting the well-stocked school library, listening to stories, and being heard read every day. This helps pupils to develop a real love of reading.

Pupils spoke confidently about their favourite author and book. They said they enjoy completing a book review once they have finished their book, as this helps them to explain a book to their friends, who can then decide if they want to read it.

The wider personal development curriculum is a strength in this school.

School staff provide exceptional support for all pupils so that they stay physically and emotionally safe. Leaders' actions ensure that pupils know how to be good citizens. Pupils enjoy being part of the school council and taking part in debates as they learn about democracy, for example on visits to London.

As peer mentors, they act as role models and promote the school's values of 'being big hearted, unusually brave, pushing the limits and discovering what's possible'.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities receive excellent support to access the full curriculum. This is because staff assess pupils and know their individual needs well.

They use appropriate resources and skilful strategies to provide pupils with the help they need. As a result, these pupils keep up and achieve exceptionally well.

The carefully considered personal, social, health and economic education curriculum broadens and deepens pupils' academic knowledge as well as their understanding about how to keep themselves healthy, both physically and mentally.

They learn about healthy friendships and caring relationships, and how to respect and celebrate people with beliefs and backgrounds different to their own.Staff know that leaders listen to their views and consider their workload. Staff appreciate this and value the extensive professional development they receive and the support they get from the trust.

As a result, teachers have expert subject knowledge and use this well to ensure pupils achieve positive outcomes in all subjects.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

All staff take safeguarding very seriously.

Leaders provide training that ensures staff understand their role in keeping pupils safe. They know pupils well and are alert to any signs that pupils may have a problem. Staff know how to report their concerns.

Leaders record these accurately and act swiftly. Leaders have effective links with a wide range of agencies and actively seek advice and guidance. This ensures families receive the help they need.

Pupils learn how to keep safe, including when online. They are confident and know they can talk to adults if they are worried. They know that all staff would act quickly to help them.

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