Leamore Primary School

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About Leamore Primary School

Name Leamore Primary School
Website https://www.leamoreprimaryschool.com/
Ofsted Inspections
Head Teacher Miss Lisa Francis
Address Bloxwich Road, Leamore, Walsall, WS3 2BB
Phone Number 01922710514
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 253
Local Authority Walsall
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils love coming to Leamore Primary. It is a happy place, where learning is fun but also challenging.

Pupils told us that the best thing about the school is the way leaders make them feel safe. Inspectors agree, and so do the staff and parents who gave us their views. Leaders go the extra mile to follow up any worries and concerns that pupils may have.

The teaching staff encourage pupils to do the best they can. They make sure that those who find learning difficult get the help they need to succeed. Pupils have been able to continue to engage with their work in each of their subjects, remotely when necessary.

Pupils behave well in lessons. Staff deal with a...ny bullying incidents effectively. The new outside play equipment has transformed behaviour at playtimes.

Pupils are now purposefully engaged in games.

Pupils get on well with each other, including those from different backgrounds. The school's personal, social and health education (PSHE) programme helps pupils from an early age to know that 'every family is normal.'

The school makes sure that pupils enjoy a wide range of experiences. This includes the whole-school trip to Barmouth beach in Wales.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Senior leaders have planned a curriculum that helps pupils build on their previous learning.

Curriculum leaders check carefully the planning and delivery of their subjects. Governors are highly knowledgeable in their evaluation of the curriculum. Some programmes are relatively new where curriculum leaders have not been in their role for long.

However, senior leaders ensure that teachers' knowledge continues to improve. Staff appreciate the high-quality subject training. Those spoken to could all give examples of effective support they have received.

Leaders are successful in promoting a love of reading. This starts from the moment pupils join in Nursery or Reception. As soon as pupils have settled into their routines, leaders introduce a well-structured programme of phonics.

This continues into subsequent year groups for as long as necessary. Teachers group pupils carefully. As a result, pupils gain new letters and sounds in a carefully sequenced order.

Pupils who find reading most difficult receive expert teaching. The effective support and guidance they receive helps them improve.

Pupils read books which are well matched to the sounds and letters they know.

They can decode unfamiliar words with the phonics skills they have acquired. Pupils read widely, often and with enthusiasm. The school's reading scheme is also online so that pupils can read at home.

The whole-school focus on writing has led to standards improving in English and other literacy-based subjects. Pupils have also increased in their understanding, knowledge and skills in other subjects. Consequently, they apply their new learning successfully to their writing.

The mathematics curriculum is well sequenced so that pupils can recall their prior learning. Pupils also draw on their mathematical knowledge in science and geography, for example through investigations and everyday activities.

Leaders ensure that pupils are assessed in all subjects taught.

Class teachers regularly check how well pupils are doing. However, the extent to which they identify misconceptions, such as pupils' mistakes in spoken and written grammar, is less consistent. Some feedback to pupils is, at times, lengthy and repetitive.

It does not necessarily lead to pupils making the required improvements.

Teaching staff support pupils well to catch up in the classroom. Teachers have a close focus on pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

They adapt activities suitably so that these pupils can access the learning. Pupils learn well in classrooms largely free of low-level disruption.

Leaders in the early years have provided children with open-ended opportunities for play and learning.

This ensures that their development is unrestricted. The curriculum is well planned and sequenced. It builds on what children know and can do.

It has a strong emphasis on language development. The recently improved outdoor area is an attractive and stimulating environment. The curriculum and learning environment are still being developed further.

Leaders continue to provide wider opportunities for pupils, such as the art club. This is despite the limitations of COVID-19 (coronavirus). In PSHE and in other subjects, pupils extend their understanding of the wider world.

They consider current issues maturely, such as pollution, deforestation and racism. Pupils understand and can discuss fundamental British values, such as the rule of law and tolerance. However, some struggle with the correct terminology.

Pupils' attendance is rising. Staff go to extensive lengths to follow up non-attenders and latecomers. An appropriate combination of rewards and deterrents has led to improvements.

Leaders take appropriate steps to reduce staff's workload. For example, they have reduced the volume of written feedback staff have to provide to pupils.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders are tenacious in ensuring that they keep pupils safe, especially those who have been identified as most vulnerable. Their culture is one where any incident, however insignificant it appears, must be logged on the school's electronic system.This enables leaders to track patterns and take swift action when necessary.

They make referrals in a timely way and engage well with outside agencies. Leaders and staff are well trained to look out for any concerns, for example the recent whole-staff training which took account of child sexual exploitation. Governors are well informed to ensure they hold leaders to account.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Teachers are not consistent in identifying pupils' misconceptions, including the use of correct grammar and terminology. As a result, there are times when pupils use non-standard forms of grammar in their speaking and writing in lessons. Teachers and additional adults should ensure that they consistently model standard English in their own speaking and writing.

They should ensure that pupils are able to use standard English where it is required. As a result, pupils will be able to use formal English more confidently in their speaking and writing. ? At times, teachers' feedback to pupils is lengthy and repetitive, particularly in English.

It does not necessarily lead to pupils making the required improvements. Teachers should ensure that feedback is understandable to pupils so that they can respond. This will enable pupils to be sure of the next steps they need to take to make further progress in their learning.

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