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Pupils are justifiably proud to belong to Leasowes High School.
The school's motto of 'every day, in every way, our students come first' permeates through school life. Whether this is by providing an ambitious and broad curriculum, offering many opportunities to learn beyond the classroom or keeping pupils safe, the 'Leasowes Learner' is placed at the heart.
The school is calm and purposeful.
There are extremely effective relationships between staff and pupils. Pupils demonstrate very positive attitudes towards people from backgrounds different to their own and state that 'you can be different at Leasowes'. Pupils have positive attitudes to their studies. ...> They act maturely around school, including at social times. Pupils enjoy coming to school. All pupils speak highly of the pastoral support and care they receive.
The school has very high expectations for pupils' behaviour. Pupils respond well to these and understand what it means to be a 'Leasowes Learner'. Pupils report high levels of confidence in staff dealing with any issues that may arise.
They are proud to be part of the school and embrace the varied opportunities to develop their skills and character, such as theatre visits, Duke of Edinburgh's Award expeditions and school productions.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school's improvement journey has gained momentum over the past eighteen months. Leaders and staff are relentless in their desire to provide pupils with the best possible education.
Trustees, local academy council members and senior leaders all understand the school's strengths and weaknesses. The school works closely with trust colleagues to address improvement priorities. Staff, pupils, parents and carers describe a school which is calm and purposeful, with a curriculum that now meets the needs of all pupils.
In 2023, outcomes at the end of Year 11 were too low. With the support of the trust, the school has recently reviewed its curriculum to raise the level of ambition for pupils and improve standards. The curriculum now clearly identifies the key knowledge that pupils need to know, as well as the order in which they need to learn it.
Staff present subject matter clearly. Teachers ensure that learning activities build on pupils' previous learning and use checks of pupils' learning well to identify gaps or misconceptions. This enables staff to refine their teaching so that pupils make good progress through the curriculum.
For example, careful explanations and selections of tasks support pupils to make high-quality masks in art. However, this is not consistent across all subjects. On some occasions, pupils' understanding is not checked effectively.
At these times, some pupils find it harder to learn the new curriculum as gaps in their knowledge or misconceptions remain.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) have their needs accurately identified. Pupils with SEND are well supported and follow the same ambitious curriculum as their peers.
There are clear procedures to identify pupils' needs. Teachers know pupils well. However, at times, teachers do not consistently use the available information about pupils' SEND to adapt their delivery of the curriculum effectively.
As a result, pupils with SEND sometimes struggle with the tasks set and do not achieve as well as they should.
The school's approach to helping pupils at the early stages of reading is effective. Pupils who have gaps in their reading knowledge are swiftly identified and receive targeted support to help them to read confidently and fluently.
In addition, the school ensures reading is given a high profile. The school ensures that pupils have frequent opportunities to enjoy high-quality texts during form time.
The school's personal development programme is well planned and thorough.
Pupils learn about pertinent themes such as healthy relationships and online safety. They also learn about tolerance and respecting those who are different from themselves. Pupils also benefit from high-quality careers guidance, support and advice.
Staff ensure that these opportunities for meaningful encounters with the world of work are accessible to all pupils.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Some teachers do not check pupils' understanding of key knowledge carefully enough.
This means that, sometimes, gaps in pupils' learning are not identified quickly enough. As a result, some pupils do not progress through the curriculum as securely as they should. The school should ensure that teachers check pupils' understanding systematically so that any gaps in knowledge can be resolved quickly.
• Sometimes, the school does not ensure that learning activities for pupils with SEND are adapted sufficiently to meet their needs. This means that, on occasion, pupils with SEND do not make the progress that they should in their learning of subject curriculums. The school should ensure that staff's support for learning activities for pupils with SEND matches the ambition of its curriculum so that pupils build their knowledge well over time.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.