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This is a good school Leaders drive necessary improvements with enthusiasm and determination. The school has improved significantly since the last inspection.
Leaders have improved disadvantaged pupils' outcomes significantly. These pupils are making good progress across the curriculum. Safeguarding is effective.
Pupils feel safe and well cared for. Middle leaders play a vital role in school improvement. They follow the strong example of their senior colleagues and show ambition for the pupils in the school.
They are well placed to secure further improvement. Senior leaders check constantly that the quality of teaching and learning is of a high standa...rd. They ensure that a range of training opportunities are available to hone teachers' skills.
As a result, teaching and learning overall are good and improving, although small pockets of weaker teaching still remain at key stage 2. The early years provision has been transformed since the last inspection. Children get off to a flying start.
They are well taught in a safe and nurturing environment. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and those who are vulnerable are supported well. Pupils' emotional well-being is cared for particularly well, including for those who attend the school's specialist provision.
Leaders supplement the wide curriculum with an interesting range of trips, visits and clubs. The school is well supported by the local authority and the diocese. Governance has been strengthened since the last inspection.
Governors are knowledgeable, experienced and highly committed to improving the school. While teachers' planning overall has improved significantly, at times, activities are not adapted during lessons to suit pupils' needs fully. Consequently, whole-class teaching does not always stretch most-able pupils sufficiently well or pick up all pupils who fall behind.
Senior and middle leaders' improvement plans do not show precisely enough how they will measure success. Consequently, it is difficult for governors to monitor sharply the impact of leaders' actions.
Information about this school
Since the last inspection, there has been a change in headteacher, who is currently on maternity leave.
The deputy headteacher is acting as headteacher at this time. The school has a speech, language and communication centre which is specialist provision for 21 pupils with an education, health and care plan. Most pupils join mainstream classes for part or all of their education.
The school calls this centre the Communication and Interaction Needs (COIN) Centre. At the time of the last inspection, the school operated over two sites. The school now operates from one site.
Nearly a third of pupils are supported by pupil premium funding. The number of pupils with SEND is above the national average for primary schools. An inspection of the school's distinctive Christian character was carried out under section 48 of the Education Act 2005 in January 2016.