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About Leckhampton Church of England Primary School
Staff at Leckhampton Church of England Primary School provide a high level of care for pupils. From early years through to Year 6, staff develop highly respectful, positive relationships with pupils. Pupils and parents joining the school say it is like joining a family.
The headteacher is ambitious for pupils. She has high expectations of them all. Pupils study a well-constructed curriculum.
Based on its founding Christian principles, the school offers an exceptional programme of activities to develop pupils' personal qualities. Staff insist on pupils giving their best effort in all subjects and activities.
In their lessons and around the school, pupils' beha...viour is exemplary.
From the beginning of Reception Year, pupils diligently follow the routines set by their teachers. Consequently, the vast majority of learning is uninterrupted by distractions. Bullying is extremely rare.
Leaders deal with it rapidly and effectively if it does happen.
Pupils are encouraged to be 'agents of change' by using their talents to help others.They go out of their way to make sure their peers feel included in school life.
Pupils feel very happy and safe at this school.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The curriculum is ambitious and carefully crafted. Senior leaders have set out the knowledge that pupils are expected to learn.
Subject leaders' curriculum thinking is refined and so pupils follow a coherent sequence of learning in all subjects. Teachers ensure that pupils do not get overloaded with too many ideas at once. For example, the work pupils are given in mathematics is carefully chosen, so that new knowledge builds on what has gone before.
The school's strategy for teaching early reading is new. From the start of Reception Year, children develop their phonic knowledge well. They build on this in Year 1 and so quickly become fluent readers.
Even so, the new strategy is not used consistently by all staff. Some pupils who need to catch up are not helped as effectively as possible.
Teachers assess pupils' understanding regularly.
However, the system for making these checks has been changed and is still being developed. As a result, teachers' assessment of pupils' learning is not as consistent as leaders would like.
Pupils achieve well across the curriculum.
For example, in art, they understand and can discuss confidently the characteristic styles of particular artists. When they finish Year 6, pupils are well prepared for secondary school.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) have their needs identified clearly so that staff understand the extra help they need.
Teachers adapt their approach so that these pupils can follow the same curriculum as other pupils. Therefore, most pupils with SEND achieve well.
Pupils' conduct is excellent.
In Reception, children quickly learn how to share and play together. Pupils show a very strong commitment to their work. This makes a major contribution to their achievement.
Through positions of responsibility, pupils play a big part in celebrating differences and making sure everyone is accepted. If pupils struggle with their behaviour, staff step in swiftly and expertly to support them and bring them back on track. Consequently, relationships between pupils and staff are consistently positive.
The school's 'vision curriculum' provides an exceptionally strong strategy for encouraging pupils' personal development. From Reception Year to Year 6, pupils receive high-quality experiences that deepen their knowledge of all walks of life in modern Britain. Pupils can join many extra-curricular clubs.
Pupils' involvement in activities, such as singing or sports, deepens their cultural development.
Close ties with the local church provide regular opportunities for pupils to reflect deeply and to develop a very strong moral understanding. A pupil parliament provides pupils with an extremely strong model of how to act for the good of others.
This makes a tangible difference to the school. For example, pupils recently made an exchange visit to another school to see how lunchtimes are organised and bring back new ideas to use at Leckhampton.
The great majority of parents are very satisfied with the school and would recommend it to others.
However, some parents feel that the leadership team should communicate with them more effectively. Senior leaders have identified this as a priority for improvement.
The governing body holds senior leaders to account effectively.
Governors set a clear overall strategy that is built firmly on the Christian foundation of the school. Together, governors and senior leaders take steps to make sure that staff are well looked after and to ensure their workload is considered. As a result, staff morale is buoyant.
The school is now well placed to improve further.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Senior leaders use effective recruitment processes to ensure all staff are suitable to work with children.
Senior leaders ensure that staff are well trained in safeguarding. All staff can identify when pupils might be at risk of harm. Consequently, there is a culture of vigilance at this school.
Through the curriculum, staff help pupils to identify risks in their lives. For example, the potential risks of social media and the internet. Senior leaders communicate effectively with outside agencies to make sure pupils get the extra help they require at times of greatest need.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• The new system for assessing pupils' work is not fully established. Consequently, subject leaders' understanding of how well pupils are learning is not consistent across the school. Leaders need to make sure that the assessment system is developed further.
• The school's new strategy for teaching early reading is not implemented consistently for those pupils who need to catch up. This hinders the progress of a small number of pupils. Leaders should ensure that the new phonics strategy is embedded in the practice of all staff.