Lee Brigg Infant and Nursery School

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About Lee Brigg Infant and Nursery School

Name Lee Brigg Infant and Nursery School
Website https://leebrigginfants.org/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Clare Holloway
Address Lee Brigg, Altofts, Normanton, WF6 2LN
Phone Number 01924967609
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 163
Local Authority Wakefield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Lee Brigg is an outstanding school.

A relentless focus on pupils' communication and language means that pupils' vocabulary grows rapidly. Pupils are immersed in a world of quality texts. These are thoughtfully chosen to support pupils' learning across the curriculum.

Highly trained staff ensure that the 'Challenge and Educate' principles that form the basis of the curriculum are an everyday part of their classroom practice. Pupils are taught to become knowledgeable, confident, and independent learners.

All adults demonstrate the highest levels of care for pupils.

Relationships between adults and pupils are incredibly respectful. Pupils of all ages th...rive in this nurturing school. High expectations of pupils' behaviour mean that all pupils feel safe and cared for.

Behaviour is exemplary. Pupils told inspectors that their school was a kind place to be. They said, 'if we ever have a worry, teachers will always help that worry to go away'.

All pupils were determined to tell inspectors that bullying never happens at their school.

Issues, such as equality and diversity, are well promoted through the texts teachers share with pupils. Leaders continually promote school values, such as respect, forgiveness, and resilience.

Pupils live these values in their attitudes to learning and to one another.

Leaders give pupils the opportunity to have a wide range of roles in school. Pupils enjoy being school councillors, eco warriors, visitor greeters and bump buddies.

Pupils are extremely proud of the contribution they make to their successful school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Since the last inspection, leadership has changed, and the school has academised. Leaders have created a carefully sequenced curriculum for children from Nursery to Year 2.

At every stage, the curriculum builds pupils' knowledge and understanding. Staff training has been prioritised. This ensures that all staff are highly skilled and knowledgeable about the subjects they teach.

Staff bring the curriculum to life for pupils. As a result, pupils make rapid progress. They know and remember their learning well.

Leaders have ensured that reading remains a high priority. Leaders' chosen phonics programme is taught with precision. Teachers use their excellent subject knowledge to quickly address pupils' misunderstandings.

A sharp focus on assessment means that pupils read books that accurately match the sounds that they already know. This develops their fluency. Pupils who struggle with their phonics get the help they need to catch up quickly.

As a result, pupils leave Lee Brigg secure in their phonic knowledge and ready for the next stage of their education. Teachers share books with pupils every day. They enthuse pupils about literature and the enjoyment of reading.

Pupils read widely and often. A love of reading permeates the school.

The mathematics curriculum is well planned and ambitious.

Teachers revisit pupils' learning regularly. This ensures pupils remember what they have learned. Teachers use subject specific vocabulary with incredible accuracy and expect the same from pupils.

Pupils use a wide range of resources to help them when they are learning new mathematical concepts. The curriculum gives pupils plenty of opportunities to develop their problem-solving and reasoning skills. Teachers only move pupils on when they are ready.

This ensures pupils have a secure understanding of the mathematics that they have been taught. They become confident mathematicians at an early stage.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) experience the same, high levels of challenge as their peers.

The special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) is highly ambitious for all pupils. The progress of pupils with SEND is regularly reviewed and adjusted to ensure the curriculum meets their needs. Teachers are adept at breaking pupil's learning down into small, manageable steps.

In subjects, other than English and mathematics, pupil's knowledge and skills are well developed through a rich and exciting curriculum. In art, for example, pupils have an exceptional understanding of the work of different artists and designers. In Reception, children were confident in mixing paint independently to make a variety of colours.

Pupils have a detailed understanding of the historical events they have studied. Pupils could accurately retell the events of the Great Fire of London. Pupils learn about many significant historical figures and their impact on the modern world.

Pupils' sense of chronology is well developed and impressive.

The early years is a real strength of the school. Leaders are exceptional.

They have created a well-structured curriculum that focuses sharply on children's personal, social, and emotional development. The nursery curriculum provides an excellent start for pupils. Adults teach mathematics and early phonics to children from the moment they start school.

Children leave nursery with the self-confidence, knowledge, and skills they need for Reception. All staff are highly trained and skilled professionals. They challenge children's thinking at every opportunity.

They support children to push themselves when they are learning through play. Children persevere with their learning. They are resilient to setbacks and work for long periods of time to complete engaging and challenging tasks.

Leaders have created an incredibly nurturing but academically rigorous place where the youngest children in school can thrive. Children's behaviour is exemplary.

The school's curriculum for pupils' personal development prepares them exceptionally well for life in modern Britain.

Leaders' well-being charter brings together healthy lifestyles, understanding of different faiths and a comprehensive personal, social and health education (PSHE) curriculum. The Lee Brigg 'Skills for Life' challenge encourages pupils to develop importance life skills, such as responsible attitudes and independence. Healthy lifestyles are well promoted through after school activities and the 'golden mile'.

Leadership is inspirational. Leaders have developed a culture where all staff have incredibly high expectations of what pupils can achieve. The training opportunities, leaders have provided mean that all teachers are effective curriculum leaders.

All staff feel part of an inclusive team because of the extensive support they receive from leaders in school and the trust. Leaders at all levels have taken effective steps to reduce staff workload. Staff morale is very high.

Leaders know their school well. This means that the additional money the school receives, for example pupil premium and COVID-19 funds, are spent on actions that make the biggest difference to pupils. The academy committee members receive the information they need to challenge leaders on their actions.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The necessary checks are made on staff to ensure that they are suitable to work with pupils.

All staff have received the training they need to keep pupils safe.

Leaders have well- developed systems for staff to report concerns they have about a pupil. Concerns are followed up quickly and thoroughly. The support that pupils need is quickly put in place.

Safeguarding information is shared with teachers each week, so that all staff have a clear picture of pupil's welfare.

Leaders have the highest expectations of pupil's attendance. Absences are pursued same day and house calls are made by the trust Education Welfare Officer, when required.

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