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This school believes in finding the magic in every child. Pupils have lots of opportunities to find a talent and to pursue their interests. From swimming in the school's pool to holding a conversation in Spanish, there are many activities for pupils to tick off in their Quest booklets.
The school sparks pupils' imaginations. A life-size reading dragon greets pupils in reception and around every corner there are vibrant displays which encourage pupils to consider the best of what is thought and said. The lessons pupils receive are as inspiring as the artwork.
As one pupil stated, reflecting the views of many, 'I wish our lessons were longer.'
Pupils love atte...nding school and it is easy to see why. Staff highly value pupil voice.
Subsequently, pupils develop confidence and independence. They are proud of their contributions to youth parliament, designing the school's adventure trail and taking part in many of the 65 clubs on offer.
Pupils' behaviour is excellent.
They respond well to staff's high expectations. Many aspire to be leaders. They are eager to have responsibility, whether that is looking after the environment as an eco warrior or being a reading buddy.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Education at this school is truly exceptional. The high achievement of Year 6 is testament to the excellent education pupils receive from the start of their time here. Many pupils write and express ideas in advance of their years.
This does not happen by chance.
The highly ambitious curriculum is child-centred. Staff carefully consider what pupils need to know as well as how to unlock their potential.
They deepen and enrich the curriculum, giving pupils opportunities to follow their interests and talents. In Nursery, there is a sharp focus on developing children's communication skills and language. Staff are skilful at steering conversations, helping children to discover the world around them.
The development of children's curiosity and a love of learning happens right from the start.
Throughout the school, staff are experts in the delivery of the curriculum. Many train other teachers from other schools across the trust.
They undertake the latest research and enthuse pupils with their questions. Teachers are explicit in their explanations of difficult concepts, breaking down knowledge step-by-step. They also provide opportunities to revisit learning.
In so doing, helping pupils recall their knowledge. Teachers watch closely to see when pupils have mastered key knowledge before moving them on. As a result, pupils talk about their learning with confidence.
For example, debating the quality of surrealist and abstract art.
Children in Reception quickly learn to read. Across the many classes, staff deliver phonics expertly.
Pupils gain confidence as they read books that contain the sounds they know. Pupils who need extra help get it, so they succeed. Older pupils are avid readers.
They enjoy the reading games in their Just Read sessions, are proud of their reading habits and want to earn tokens for the school's book vending machine.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are equally well served by the curriculum. Where necessary, adults liaise with external professionals so pupils can get the help they need.
The SEND team provide helpful guidance to staff so they can adjust provision appropriately. In lessons, staff use pupils' support plans effectively. They focus on removing barriers, and building pupils' independence so they enjoy learning alongside their peers.
Staff are highly skilled at helping pupils who have complex behavioural needs, so they regain focus on their tasks.
The strong routines for behaviour begin in Nursery. Even at this young age, they sustain concentration and sit beautifully on the carpet for circle time.
By the time pupils get to Year 6, they have developed a strong moral code. Pupils have high levels of respect for one another. Their maturity is striking.
Building pupils' self-esteem and confidence is a priority in the personal development programme. The access to specialist performing arts provision gives pupils the tools they need to speak publicly. Through this provision and their assemblies, pupils explore concepts such as diversity and acceptance.
The comprehensive personal, social and health education (PSHE) curriculum gives pupils a thorough understanding of healthy relationships and what it means to stay safe online. There is high take up of the many clubs that are on offer.
The school is remarkably well led at all levels.
School leaders, trustees and governors are extremely aspirational for all pupils. The sharp attention to detail and drive to offer the best possible education inspires staff. They love working at the school, feel valued and well looked after.
The trust board and the local governing body have a strong understanding of what high-quality education is. Parents are effusive, many commenting on 'the school of our dreams'.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.