Leigh Academy Molehill

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About Leigh Academy Molehill

Name Leigh Academy Molehill
Website http://www.molehillprimaryacademy.org.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Head of Academy Principal Laura Smith
Address Hereford Road, Maidstone, ME15 7ND
Phone Number 01622751729
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 304
Local Authority Kent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

An endless ambition shared by all staff ensures there are no limits to what pupils can accomplish.

This starts in early years, where children develop a strong foundation that prepares them well for later learning. Pupils engage with a curriculum designed to ignite a passion for learning and knowing more. They take great pride in their work and are eloquent when talking about their learning.

Dedicated and skilful staff remove barriers to ensure that all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), learn well. As a result, all pupils are exceptionally well prepared for future learning and success.

A sense of calm and purpos...eful learning pervades the school.

Pupils demonstrate high levels of respect for their peers and the school values. They are incredibly polite, try hard and are proud of their achievements. Behaviour is exemplary because staff are consistent with their high expectations.

Influential pupil leadership ensures that pupils' voices inform decisions about the school. Staff purposefully teach pupils important life skills, such as being open-minded. This means pupils articulate their views when debating big ideas such as 'Who are we?' One of many pupils report that the school feels 'perfect for them', reflecting the high-quality care and support they receive.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school's ambitious curriculum is highly effective in supporting pupils to learn well. Learning is carefully structured to build in a logical sequence across the whole curriculum in each year. Pupils regularly revisit important knowledge.

This helps them to master important skills, such as multiplication in mathematics. The curriculum design supports pupils to apply knowledge in increasingly complex ways. Teachers use their expertise to help pupils in making connections between related concepts across different subjects.

In art and design, for example, pupils learn how art can serve as a form of social commentary. Pupils apply knowledge from geography to make their 'Banksy' inspired stencil art, aiming to raise awareness about deforestation.

The school ensures all staff know how to identify and meet the needs of all pupils.

Pupils with SEND who access the specialist resourced provision receive effective help to develop their communication skills. This enables these pupils to participate fully in lessons and school life. Disadvantaged pupils achieve exceptionally well in published outcomes.

Children in early years make excellent progress through the school's curriculum. They quickly develop the ability to pay attention for extended periods of time. Consequently, children engage with learning in more complex ways.

Learning through play is meticulously designed to reinforce important skills, such as counting. Staff constantly review how well children are achieving important milestones. They plan responsively to address any gaps in learning.

This enables children to be exceptionally well prepared for the next stage of their education.

Pupils read with impressive accuracy and confidence. A systematic approach to teaching phonics means that all pupils learn to read well.

Targeted support is provided for those who need additional help. Teachers ensure that pupils understand what they are reading. This enables pupils to not only learn to read, but to read so they can access the curriculum.

Reading from a rich range of ambitious texts is embedded as a daily practice throughout the whole school. This enables pupils to become fluent and competent readers.

Attendance is very strong, as pupils are eager not to miss out on learning.

The school works sensitively with families to address and remove barriers to positive attendance. Pupils' conduct around school is exemplary. They show impeccable manners and greet adults with a cheery smile or a wave.

Assemblies are jubilant times to celebrate achievements, such as listening to classmates play the guitar. Pupils report that instances of unkindness are so very rare as values such as respect are deeply embedded in the school's culture and ethos.

The school nurtures pupils' wider development extremely well.

Pupils demonstrate resilience, viewing mistakes as an opportunity to persevere and try again. They feel important as staff give them meaningful opportunities to take on responsibilities, for example through school leadership roles. A wide offer of clubs and trips extends pupils' learning outside of the classroom.

Vibrant displays feature world maps that celebrate the rich cultural heritage of the pupils and their families. Culture Day brings pupils and their families together to celebrate each other's cultural traditions and food. Pupils have a deep respect for diversity and equality.

This ensures pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain.

Leaders are unwavering in their commitment to the development of pupils and staff. Staff receive highly effective professional development to help them deliver the curriculum well.

Leaders at all levels, including governors, have an accurate view of the school's work. They ensure a positive culture of challenge and support, ensuring that pupils receive the best possible education.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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