Leyland St Andrew’s Church of England Infant School

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About Leyland St Andrew’s Church of England Infant School

Name Leyland St Andrew’s Church of England Infant School
Website http://www.standrewsinfants.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Associate Headteacher Miss Elizabeth Glassbrook
Address Woodlea Road, Leyland, Preston, PR25 1JL
Phone Number 01772423339
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 4-7
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 152
Local Authority Lancashire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils described their school as caring, safe and happy.

From the Reception Year to Year 2, pupils look forward to coming to school because they know that staff will take care of them.

The school's vision statement, 'Learning, caring and growing together in faith', is evident in the nurturing relationships that staff have forged with pupils and their families.

Leaders have high expectations of what pupils should achieve.

Pupils are keen to learn. They strive to have their name written in the 'book of brilliance', receive reward points for their effort and celebrate their achievements in weekly assemblies. Often, pupils are keen to take their learning... home with them, to share with their families.

Pupils behave well in lessons and around the school. Leaders expect the best of pupils in terms of their conduct. At playtime, pupils take part in purposeful activities using the sports equipment that Year 2 pupils, acting as play leaders, have organised.

Staff support pupils well to manage their own feelings and friendships. Pupils are confident that if there were ever any bullying, they could tell an adult, who would sort it out. Leaders deal with any incidents of bullying swiftly and effectively.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have designed a suitably ambitious curriculum for all pupils, including children in the early years. Most subject leaders provide appropriate support for teachers so that they can deliver curriculums well. However, a small number of subject leaders are still developing the expertise that they need to enable them to lead their subjects with confidence.

In most subjects, leaders have identified clearly and ordered logically the knowledge that children in the early years and pupils in key stage 1 should learn. In the main, pupils achieve well. That said, in a small number of subjects, leaders' curriculum thinking is less well developed.

As a result, some teachers are not clear enough about the important knowledge that pupils should learn. This sometimes hinders staff in designing appropriate learning for pupils.

Staff in the early years provide children with a calm and well-organised space in which to learn and play.

Staff select appropriate resources and activities to support children to learn the intended curriculum well.

Teachers use assessment strategies effectively to identify what pupils know and what they need to learn next. Staff use assessment information skilfully to help them to meet the needs of children and pupils.

Leaders have ensured that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive high-quality support. Added to this, leaders have introduced effective systems to support staff to identify the additional needs of pupils with SEND in a timely manner. This means that pupils with SEND benefit from appropriate, targeted support, including help from external partner agencies.

Staff deliver the phonics and early reading curriculum well. They ensure that the books that pupils read are matched closely to the sounds that they have learned. Children learn phonics from the moment that they start in the Reception class.

Pupils build on this strong start in Years 1 and 2. As a result, pupils become confident and fluent readers by the end of Year 2. Those who need extra help are quickly identified and supported well by staff.

Most staff use leaders' behaviour system consistently well. This means that pupils are clear on what is expected of them and on the consequences of any poor behaviour. As a result, pupils' learning is usually free from disruption.

Throughout their time at the school, pupils experience a range of trips and visits. These include days out to museums, parks, the beach and places of worship. Pupils spoke with enthusiasm about these trips and how they link to their learning.

Leaders ensure that pupils have the chance to develop their social and communication skills. For example, in Year 2, pupils enjoy taking part in 'military school'. Through this initiative, leaders promote pupils' resilience, and they learn to work as part of a team.

Pupils learn about a range of different religions. They are taught to respect the beliefs of everyone. Leaders and governors are determined that pupils understand and value the many differences between people.

Leaders have worked closely with staff at the junior school to ensure that pupils are happy and confident about their move at the end of Year 2.

Since the last inspection, leaders and governors have improved the school considerably. They are uncompromising in their ambition for pupils.

Governors bring a suitable range of expertise to their roles and provide high levels of support and challenge to leaders. Leaders are considerate of the workload and well-being of staff.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There is a strong culture of safeguarding among staff, leaders and governors. They are all appropriately trained, and know the signs that may indicate that a pupil is at risk of harm. Staff are clear about how to use the systems to report safeguarding concerns.

Staff are diligent in their pursuit of the appropriate support for vulnerable pupils and their families. Leaders have fostered positive relationships with pupils' families and external agencies. This means that many parents and carers readily approach staff for help when needed.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a minority of subjects, leaders have not clearly identified the knowledge that pupils should learn. This means that teachers are not as clear about what pupils need to know, and this hinders them in designing learning for pupils. Leaders should ensure that teachers have greater clarity about what pupils should be learning and when curriculum content should be delivered.

• A small number of subject leaders do not have sufficient knowledge and expertise to lead their subject areas with confidence. This prevents them from providing appropriate guidance and support to some staff. Leaders should ensure that subject leaders are supported well to fulfil their roles effectively.

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