Limpsfield Junior School

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About Limpsfield Junior School

Name Limpsfield Junior School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Jemma Jeavons
Address Jenkin Avenue, Brightside, Sheffield, S9 1AN
Phone Number 01142430925
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 7-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 225
Local Authority Sheffield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Supported by caring staff, leaders have created an ethos in the school where pupils thrive. They learn through a well-planned curriculum.

Adults provide support and additional resources to remove any barriers to learning. This ensures all pupils develop their knowledge across a range of different subjects. What is more, pupils know that making mistakes is an important part of learning.

Reflecting the views of others, one pupil remarked, 'Teachers help us to stick with it.'

Pupils are well behaved, work hard in class and are eager to learn. A few pupils struggle to concentrate sometimes, but adults are quick to help them to refocus.

Pupils can earn m...erit points which add up over time and lead to the presentation of certificates in award assemblies. Pupils appreciate these.

Pupils feel safe.

Bullying rarely happens. When it does, pupils know that adults will sort any problems out quickly. Pupils and staff have strong relationships and pupils know they can turn to an adult if they are concerned.

Pupils understand the importance of being healthy and like to use the school running track to help them keep fit.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Reading has a high priority in school. Pupils have regular opportunities to develop their reading skills and use these across all subjects.

Phonics is taught in small, incremental steps to any pupil in need of extra support. The headteacher has compiled a recommended selection of books, prominently displayed outside his office. Books are regularly added to this set.

Pupils are eager to read these. Pupils discussed their favourite authors, which include Michael Morpurgo.

Since the last inspection, leaders have continued to develop the curriculum.

They have thought carefully about what pupils learn in each subject. Teachers make good links between subjects. For example, Year 4 pupils were using their mathematical knowledge of the nets of shapes within the design and technology curriculum.

A short time is set aside each morning, so teachers can go over any aspect of work which pupils may not have understood the previous day. Pupils both recall and use knowledge gained in previous years. For example, Year 6 pupils spoke to an inspector about aspects of food and hygiene they learned in Year 3.

This knowledge is being built on in their current learning as they prepare a meal using typical ingredients, rationed in the 1940s.

Pupils visit a range of places to bring their learning alive. As part of a history topic, pupils visited Conisborough Castle.

Pupils discussed how this made learning memorable. In English and mathematics, teachers check what pupils know effectively. In some foundation subjects this is less well established.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) do well. Staff are trained to support pupils with SEND and, as a result, are very skilled in doing so. Teachers provide these pupils with additional and adapted resources and equip pupils with key words and concepts before lessons.

Pupils can therefore access the same curriculum as their peers.

Pupils have the opportunity to take part in outdoor and adventurous activities which help to develop their resilience. Pupils take on responsibilities within the school, including the roles of play leader and school councillor.

They have an understanding of how the country is governed. Pupils value democracy. They relate this to both the selection of the school council and those pupils responsible for distributing fruit at breaktimes.

Senior leaders have worked hard to improve the school. They have a clear vision to enable pupils to be independent learners and to develop strong character traits. Staff value the training and support they receive.

They appreciate that leaders are both considerate and supportive of their well-being and workload.

Governors know the school well and have a detailed understanding of its strengths, areas to develop and the impact of various strategies, including the school's COVID-19 recovery plan. They have the knowledge to carry out their role effectively, including the information they need in order to hold leaders to account.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

All necessary checks are carried out on staff before they start work at the school. Leaders have developed a culture where safeguarding is everyone's responsibility.

Supported by regular training, staff are adept at identifying and reporting any concerns. Leaders use this information to get families the appropriate support. Staff know who to contact if they have any concerns about a colleague.

Leaders ensure that safeguarding issues weave through the curriculum. This includes helping pupils to take responsibility for their own safety. For example, pupils are taught about online safety, the dangers associated with fake news and what to do if they feel something is not right.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some foundation subjects, assessment systems are still in varying stages of development. In some subjects, leaders do not have a clear picture of what pupils do well and what they need to improve. Leaders need to ensure that teachers check what pupils have both remembered and understood in all subjects in order to identify gaps in learning and inform subsequent teaching.

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