Lindsworth School

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About Lindsworth School

Name Lindsworth School
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher Mrs Kathryn Beale
Address Monyhull Hall Road, Kings Norton, Birmingham, B30 3QA
Phone Number 01216935363
Phase Special
Type Community special school
Age Range 8-16
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 137
Local Authority Birmingham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Lindsworth is a nurturing school where pupils engage positively with all aspects of their education.

Pupils appreciate the warm relationships they build with staff. They know who to share any worries or concerns with. This helps them to feel safe.

Staff provide an environment where pupils develop their self-esteem and learn to manage their own emotions. Staff understand what will and will not work for each pupil. This helps pupils engage constructively with a broad range of subjects.

The school has high expectations for pupils' achievement and they do well.

Pupils are helped over time to improve their behaviour. Staff provide very high-quality support to pupils and their families.

This helps pupils to think about the impact of their choices. Pupils comment on how well the school has helped them to understand themselves and move forward positively.

The development of pupils' character is exemplary.

The school guides pupils to explore their talents and interests. Staff help pupils to share their talents with others to enhance life in school. Pupils experience a broad selection of wider opportunities.

These include visits to parliament, learning to use the school gym correctly and residential trips. Pupils are prepared well for the next steps they take.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school is highly ambitious for all its pupils, regardless of their past experiences or current challenges.

When pupils join the school, their needs are assessed thoroughly. This provides staff with detailed information about pupils' special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), as well as their academic understanding.

Staff carefully consider the information in pupils' education, health and care (EHC) plans to ensure that the correct provision is in place to meet their learning, social and emotional needs.

The personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) curriculum is central to pupils' development and is carefully implemented. Pupils study a wide range of subjects. Teachers are skilled in delivering learning.

They effectively identify and address any gaps in pupils' knowledge. Staff choose effective ways to help each pupil to access the curriculum.

The school has raised the profile of reading.

Most pupils quickly gain the knowledge and skills they need to become confident, fluent readers They are beginning to read for pleasure more often. Pupils enjoy having access to the library at lunch time. Staff have the expertise to help pupils who are at the early stages of learning to read.

This helps pupils who find reading difficult to catch up. Reading is being promoted well through a variety of subjects.

Pupils can concentrate on their work as behaviour is managed well.

All staff are clear about the behaviours that they expect from the pupils. Pupils understand exactly what is expected of them. Staff work effectively to support them back to their learning when they need help.

The school has rightly made attendance a high priority. Pupils are beginning to attend more frequently. However, more work is needed in this area.

Pupils' personal development is a priority across key stages and is exceptional. There is a strong take-up of lunch time activities. Every opportunity is carefully intertwined with learning to allow pupils to develop a much richer experience of life.

For example, pupils have opportunities to learn from visiting artists and meaningful encounters with the world of work. Pupils are very much involved in the life of the school. The student council works reflectively with leaders to make improvements, helping to enhance everyone's life in school.

Pupils receive personalised careers support to make their next step as well matched as possible.

Staff say that the school cares about their well-being as well as that of the pupils. They speak highly about the support and opportunities they receive.

Senior leaders have relentlessly driven improvements since the last inspection. They have ensured that change has been sustainable and pupil focused. However, in a few areas, the school's impact is not as well understood as it could be.

For example, in understanding how effective the specific support that pupils receive helps them over time.

Governors have a clear and precise understanding of the school and its priorities. They provide effective challenge and support.

This helps to ensure the school continues to improve.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• A number of pupils do not attend regularly enough.

The school are aware of this and attendance is beginning to improve. However, some pupils continue to miss valuable time in school. The school should continue to prioritise supporting pupils to access more of the ambitious and effective provision being delivered.

• In some instances, the school does not have a sharp enough understanding of the work done in some areas. As a result, in a few cases the impact of systems to help pupils are not as great as they could be. The school should ensure that leaders at all levels have the necessary skills and knowledge to have an accurate view of impact of their work.

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