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Positive relationships flow through Lionwood Junior school.
Pupils know that adults care deeply about them. Pupils are well looked after. Their social and emotional needs are met.
Pupils live up to the high expectations adults have of them. A culture of mutual respect shines through.
Pupils' positive behaviour ensures that the school is a calm and purposeful place.
Typically, pupils get on well with one another and enjoy spending time with their friends. Although bullying is rare, if it does happen, staff deal with it quickly.
Pupils respect and celebrate difference.
They know that it is important to learn about the views of others,... even if they differ from their own. Pupils have many opportunities to develop their talents and interests. They enjoy the wide range of after-school clubs on offer.
Pupils are proud to represent their school in sporting events or as part of the choir. They participate with enthusiasm whether in large concerts or singing for residents in the local care home.
Pupils are guided to stay physically healthy.
They learn ways to support their mental health and well-being. Pupils know it is best to share worries or concerns when they have them and not keep these to themselves.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have established a culture where no matter what, the needs of pupils sit at the front and centre of all they do.
Their vision that 'every child deserves a champion' is clearly played out. Pupils receive high-quality support for their personal, social and emotional needs. Each one is a much-valued member of the school community.
Leaders have brought about significant improvement in the quality of education since the previous inspection. The curriculum clearly and deliberately sets out the important knowledge and skills that pupils will learn. This is carefully arranged to make sure new knowledge is learned in a sensible order.
In many subjects, pupils develop rich and detailed knowledge. Teachers present information clearly. They make regular checks to be sure that pupils remember what they have been taught.
Some teachers do not have secure subject knowledge in some subjects. This means they do not always quickly identify, and then correct, pupils if they have misunderstood their learning.
Leaders place a high priority on reading.
Those who find reading difficult are given effective support to help them catch up. Many of these pupils are taught phonics successfully. They improve their accuracy and confidence as readers because the books they read match very closely to the new sounds they are learning.
Pupils enjoy reading. The recently introduced reading for pleasure time allows them to share books with their friends and get a taste for different types of stories.
Leaders make sure that the specific needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are identified.
Teaching staff adapt activities and the way they present information so that pupils with SEND can access the same rich curriculum as their peers.
Most pupils behave extremely well. Lessons are rarely disrupted.
Pupils who need more help to manage their behaviour are given the support they need. Staff have a shared understanding as to how they guide and manage pupils' behaviour.
Pupils benefit enormously from the extremely well-considered personal development programme.
They try new things, persevere and communicate with others. Much of this strong work helps pupils develop their character. Whatever a person's background or belief, pupils treat everyone equally.
They learn about different relationships through the schools' highly effective relationships and sex education provision.
Trustees have an accurate view of the school. They provide effective challenge to leaders to spur them on to make the school even better.
Trust leaders are skilled at developing school leaders. They provide well-tailored training and support, for example helping staff new to leadership roles to develop and grow their knowledge and skills.
Senior leaders take account of staff's workload before they introduce new initiatives.
Staff receive high-quality training to support them in continually developing their practice.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders leave no stone unturned when it comes to keeping pupils safe.
Staff have a clear understanding of the risks pupils face because they are well trained. Staff report concerns they have about a pupil's welfare, no matter how small. Leaders act quickly to provide additional help to those pupils and families who need this.
Leaders seek support from external agencies as required.
Pupils are taught how to stay safe. They have well-developed knowledge of online safety and trust that adults will be there to help them if they need it.
Leaders carry out, and record, all pre-employment checks with great diligence.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Not all staff have the secure subject knowledge to teach every part of the curriculum consistently well. This means that they do not always successfully address some misconceptions in pupils' understanding.
Leaders should ensure that teachers receive the training to strengthen their subject knowledge in all subjects so that they implement leaders' curriculum plans effectively