Littletown Junior Infant and Nursery School

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About Littletown Junior Infant and Nursery School

Name Littletown Junior Infant and Nursery School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Caroline Howarth
Address Bradford Road, Liversedge, WF15 6LP
Phone Number 01274878136
Phase Primary
Type Foundation school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 183
Local Authority Kirklees
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This is a school built upon foundations of care and kindness. Strong relationships are evident between pupils and staff.

Leaders model this high level of care and compassion. Staff follow their lead. Pupils thrive in this nurturing atmosphere.

They are able to appreciate and celebrate their uniqueness. The motto of 'All equal, all different, all unique', is understood, lived and experienced by pupils on a daily basis. The red ribbon on the school logo represents the sense of connection staff, pupils and families feel.

Parents are highly positive about the work leaders are undertaking to continue to move the school forward, and the level of care and attention ...their children receive. These relationships between leaders and parents are mirrored in the relationships pupils build with adults in school. Pupils are rightly very confident that if they have concerns, these can be shared with, and dealt with, by an adult they trust.

Although bullying is rare, when it does happen, pupils know this will be dealt with quickly and with seriousness.

Pupils are engaged and enthusiastic in their lessons and enjoy sharing their successes and learning from previous units of work and subjects.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have high ambitions for what pupils should be taught and should experience in the curriculum.

They have carefully considered what should be taught to pupils during their curriculum journey to give them the best opportunity to know and remember more over time. In some subjects, this ambition is being realised through consistent approaches to teaching. In art for example, there is a highly consistent approach to how the subject is taught.

This allows pupils to build deep levels of knowledge over time. Leaders have a clear understanding of the areas of the curriculum that they need to further refine, so that the quality and precision of teaching in all areas of the curriculum is in line with the most established and embedded subjects. Pupils are very enthusiastic about their learning across the curriculum.

They are keen to talk about their successes and learning.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are quickly identified and supported. Teachers skilfully support these pupils with careful adaptations, so that they achieve in line with their peers and are successful.

There is a clear approach to ensuring that reading is promoted across school. Pupils talk enthusiastically about their enjoyment of books that they access from the 'reading spine' that leaders have carefully created. Pupils are keen to share their favourite books from during their time in school.

Reading corners in classrooms are well used and inviting.

Leaders have ensured that the phonics curriculum is clearly defined and that the teaching of early reading is prioritised. Phonics lessons begin early in the Reception year.

There is a clear approach to identifying the pupils who need more support with reading. Staff have had training to become skilled in the teaching of early reading. Staff understand the importance of early reading and its impact on life chances.

However, some pupils that need support in reading do not have frequent enough opportunities to read books that give them chances to practise the sounds they are being taught in their catch-up sessions.

Pupils are supported to develop a strong moral compass and a sense of right and wrong. This teaching begins in the earliest years of children's education.

Leaders have ensured that pupils are taught what they need to know to keep themselves safe online and have ensured that pupils have a broader sense of how to keep themselves safe within and beyond their community. Pupils in the school council and the well-being champions enjoy their roles. The culture of nurture in the school supports children to understand how they should treat others.

School council and well-being champions undertake their roles enthusiastically and leaders have created multiple opportunities for trips and visitors to enhance pupils' experiences within the curriculum. For example, meeting local magistrates and the first female to swim the channel.

Children get a positive start to their education.

Leaders work hard to ensure that positive relationships are built with parents before children start school. There is a carefully managed transition into school for children. Staff introduce and reinforce routines that support children to develop their independence.

Children have regular opporutnities to hear stories and rhymes that support them to develop their vocabulary. Children are taught to play with and alongside other children. Leaders have carefully considered how the early years curriculum progresses for children from their time in Nursery to their experiences in Reception.

Leaders at all levels share a common vision and ambition for children. Governors have an accurate picture of the school's strengths and areas for further development. There are systems in place for using external quality assurance and checking that what leaders are telling them is reflective of the lived experience for pupils.

Leaders support staff with their workload and well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders carefully analyse safeguarding incidents and patterns.

There is a clear sense from leaders about the importance of strong relationships with pupils and families.Staff and leaders are aware of local safeguarding risks. Staff know who to report safeguarding concerns to.

Leaders have ensured that there are systems for checking how well staff understand how to apply and follow the school's safeguarding policy. Leaders work with external agencies to secure support for pupils and families. Leaders ensure that teachers teach pupils through the personal development curriculum the knowledge they need to be aware of dangers and risks in their everyday lives.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Some pupils who need help with their reading do not have frequent enough op-portunities to read books that give them the chance to practise the sounds they are being taught in their catch-up lessons. As a result, these pupils do not catch up with peers as quickly as they could. Leaders should ensure that pupils who need support with reading have more frequent opportunities to read books that are closely matched to the sounds they are practising, so that they can develop their fluency and catch up with their peers as quickly as possible.

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