Locking Primary School

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About Locking Primary School

Name Locking Primary School
Website http://www.locking.n-somerset.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Roxanne Simpson
Address Meadow Drive, Locking, Weston-Super-Mare, BS24 8BB
Phone Number 01934822867
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 276
Local Authority North Somerset
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders are ambitious for all pupils. They are determined that all can achieve.

Despite significant changes in leadership and staffing, leaders have carefully planned a curriculum that considers pupils needs and their local area.

Pupils enjoy coming to school. They are interested in their learning and are happy and confident to talk about it.

If pupils are worried or upset, they know they can approach adults in school. Pupils say bullying can happen but, when it does, they are confident that an adult will help them.

Most pupils behave well.

Staff encourage them to work hard. Pupils respond well to this. The new behaviour system prioritises r...esilience and has supported pupils to develop good attitudes to learning.

Pupils play an active role in the school. They take great pride in their responsibilities, including being school librarians and classroom monitors. This supports pupils to develop a sense of responsibility and respect for others.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have a clear vision for the school. They are outward looking and welcome the challenge and guidance they receive from the trust. Decisions made by the trust have brought about much improvement in the school's work.

Leaders know the school's strengths and weaknesses well.

Staff, including those early in their career, feel that leaders support their development and well-being. They feel valued and well looked after.

Leaders have provided teachers with the training and support they need to deliver curriculum plans effectively.

Leaders prioritise the teaching of reading. Staff are well trained in the school's phonics programme.

In the early years, adults prioritise developing children's language and communication skills through songs and rhymes. Pupils read with increasing accuracy using the sounds they know to read unfamiliar words. Books are usually well matched to the sounds pupils know.

Pupils who need to catch up with their phonics receive the right support and develop into confident readers.

The mathematics curriculum is clearly planned and sequenced, starting in early years. Staff have strong subject knowledge.

As a result, sequences of learning are effective and build knowledge over time. Teachers make sure pupils revisit previous learning so they understand it securely. However, the curriculum is sometimes not challenging enough in the way it gets pupils to apply their knowledge.

Leaders have thought carefully about what they want pupils to know across the wider curriculum. In physical education (PE), there is a clear focus on developing pupils' knowledge and skills, which build towards playing competitive games. Pupils make relevant links to prior learning and achieve well.

They talk confidently about their 'personal best' and how to improve. However, in some subjects, pupils struggle to recall relevant knowledge. In art, for example, pupils are unable to talk about techniques and artists they should know and remember.

This leads to gaps in their knowledge and understanding.

Leaders make sure that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive the same curriculum as their peers. Most teachers adapt resources and tasks to meet pupils' needs.

However, this is not consistent. As a result, the progress these pupils make is varied. Some parents of pupils with SEND share this view.

Pupils' attitudes to learning are positive. During breaktime and lunchtimes, most pupils play well together. Even so, some parents raised concerns about low-level disruption during learning time.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, pupils enjoyed a wide range of educational experiences. Many activities had to pause while restrictions were in place. However, pupils have enjoyed the wide offer of clubs, including gardening, construction and dance.

Leaders and staff have begun to restart these and have plans to extend them further. Pupils have plans to develop their roles as responsible citizens, which includes charity work.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders responsible for safeguarding work closely with families and external agencies. They make swift referrals to ensure that pupils and families get the support they need. Staff undertake regular training to keep up with the current guidance.

Leaders' checks on staff who work at the school are fit for purpose.

Pupils learn to keep themselves safe. For example, they learn about the dangers of drugs and how to stay safe online.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• There are some inconsistencies in the curriculum that leaders have not yet addressed. Consequently, in some subjects, pupils, including those with SEND, have gaps in their knowledge and understanding. Leaders need to check subject curriculums carefully to ensure that they are implemented well in every subject and year group.

• Some parents expressed concerns about pupils' behaviour. They feel that some behaviour affects their children's ability to concentrate in lessons. Leaders need to build upon the good work that has already started in strengthening links with parents, so concerns raised are addressed quickly.

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