Lode Heath School

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About Lode Heath School

Name Lode Heath School
Website http://www.lodeheathschool.co.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Laura Suddon
Address Lode Lane, Solihull, B91 2HW
Phone Number 01217041421
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1164
Local Authority Solihull
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The new associate headteacher and her team have made considerable improvements to the school since the last inspection.

Leaders with support of the Trust have created a culture of high expectations in relation to learning, behaviour and achievement. Trustees have ensured that governance is highly effective. Governors hold leaders to account through robust monitoring and ensure that leaders focus on improvement.

Although teaching overall is good and, as a result, pupils make good progress, there is variability in its quality. Activities are not always well matched to pupils' abilities, teachers do not always check on pupils' understanding ...and adjust teaching accordingly and pupils do not always take note of teachers' written and verbal feedback. Weaker teaching in mathematics and science means pupils' outcomes are not as good as in other subjects.

When teachers' planning does not take pupils' needs fully into account, low level disruption is sometimes apparent in lessons. Teachers have good subject knowledge and high expectations of their pupils. Strategic planning of teachers' professional development is supporting further improvement.

However, training is not always well focused on subjects where improvement is most needed. The curriculum provides a wide range of opportunities for pupils. The enrichment programme enables pupils to develop their creative and technical skills as well as supporting their well-being.

Attendance has rapidly improved and is now above the national average. High expectations of good conduct have reduced the incidents of poor behaviour and led to a reduction in exclusions. Pupils' attitudes are very positive.

They are very polite and welcoming to visitors. Outcomes are good. Pupils make good progress from their different starting points.

Disadvantaged pupils' outcomes are improving. Leaders' plans to improve the progress made by these pupils are proving effective.

Information about this school

Lode Heath School is a larger than the average sized secondary school.

The proportion of disadvantaged pupils is above the national average. The majority of pupils are White British. The proportion of pupils with SEND is below the national average.

The school uses alternative provision at Solihull Academy and ESCOS. The school joined the Arden MAT in January 2018. The board of trustees oversees the local governing body, which in turn is responsible for monitoring the quality of teaching, learning and progress of pupils and their welfare.

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