London Academy

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About London Academy

Name London Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mr Alex Warburton
Address Spur Road, Edgware, HA8 8DE
Phone Number 02082381100
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 4-19
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1729
Local Authority Barnet
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders, governors and staff realise the school's vision and ensure that all pupils succeed.

Pupils, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds, achieve strongly across the school. Pupils benefit from a strong academic curriculum and high-quality teaching. This quality continues, as students in the sixth form receive an excellent education and are proud ambassadors of the school.

They help younger pupils to feel welcome here.

Pupils enjoy attending, and are safe and thrive in the school's caring environment. They show exemplary behaviour and attitudes to learning.

Pupils are kind and courteous to each other. Leaders encourage pupils to realise th...e values of the school. The personal development of pupils is exceptional.

The 'LA7' ensures that all pupils receive a rich entitlement and weekly enrichment opportunities. For example, leaders make sure all pupils visit the theatre.

Children in the early years provision receive a good start to their education.

They play and cooperate well. In the primary phase, pupils learn well across the majority of subjects. In the early years, children grow in confidence, so they are ready for Year 1.

Leaders have taken steps to promote an ambitious curriculum. These actions lead to pupils achieving very well in national examinations and tests.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have created an ambitious curriculum that promotes a broad range of subjects.

Across the school, the curriculum in subject areas is typically well sequenced, building on the key information and knowledge pupils need to know and remember. This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities. The curriculum in mathematics is carefully planned and implemented very well.

Leaders have taken steps to promote a highly ambitious curriculum. In the sixth form, teachers explain content to students skilfully.

Teachers utilise their knowledge of pupils and their subject knowledge and present material clearly.

This helps pupils to build sequentially on their knowledge. For instance, in Year 2, pupils extend their key vocabulary and understanding of two- and three-dimensional shapes. In early years, children learn successfully across all areas of learning.

On occasion, staff in early years do not extend or deepen children's knowledge and skills deeply.

In the secondary phase, teachers use frequent assessment opportunities. They check for gaps in pupils' understanding and address these issues quickly.

In the primary phase, sometimes, the implementation of leaders' aspirational curricular thinking is not fully realised. This is because, on occasion, in a few subjects, teaching does not fully check pupils' knowledge securely. This results in gaps in pupils' knowledge as they struggle to recall key information.

Leaders prioritise reading across the school and develop pupils' love of reading. Children acquire knowledge of phonics securely. Pupils who are behind are prioritised with appropriate support.

In the secondary phase, leaders provide targeted support to address any gaps in pupils' reading fluency.

Pupils' behaviour and attitudes to learning are exceptional. Leaders ensure that clear expectations are embedded in place.

Disruption to lessons is very rare. From Reception, children learn to cooperate, play and work together. Pupils demonstrate strong levels of maturity.

Transitions from and to lessons are orderly and seamless. Sixth-form students demonstrate exceptional levels of resilience and commitment to learning. Pupils feel safe and report any concerns to the school, which are dealt with promptly.

The provision for pupils' personal development is of a very high quality. Staff prepare pupils for future contributions to the wider community. Pupils have a vast number of enrichment opportunities on offer.

For example, Year 7 pupils learn to play the violin. Pupils spoke highly of the enrichment programme, from learning about British Sign Language to participation in sports.

The school offers a wide range of clubs, outings and cultural experiences.

Pupils were rehearsing for the upcoming performance of 'Matilda, Junior'. In the sixth form, students widely contribute to the life of the school. Leaders have ensured that sixth-form students are trained to support younger students in reading and with their academic work.

Careers education is very well considered. This includes through a wide range of visits to universities and visiting speakers. The school hosts an annual careers fair for all students, enhancing pupils' understanding of the world of work.

Students in the sixth form are prepared well for university and employment.

Leaders and governors have created a welcoming place where staff and pupils work together very well. Staff appreciate leaders' and governors' commitment to reducing their workload and improving their well-being.

Opportunities for professional development are embedded throughout the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders and governors have ensured that staff are trained and aware of their safeguarding requirements.

Pupils and staff are comfortable to report any concerns. Leaders then ensure that actions are taken swiftly. The school works exceptionally well with external specialists, including for mental health support.

Leaders work with families and external agencies to respond appropriately to safeguarding concerns.

Pupils are taught in a sequenced and well-planned manner to recognise the dangers of being online, to develop healthy relationships and to be safe. They are taught how to administer first aid.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• On occasion, in the primary phase, teaching does not check carefully that pupils have secure knowledge of essential subject content in some foundation subjects. Some pupils struggle to remember previous learning and do not have secure knowledge and understanding. The school should ensure that the curriculum is consistently implemented as planned and that teachers use formative assessment effectively in all subjects to pick up and address gaps in pupils' knowledge.

• In the early years, sometimes, teaching does not consolidate or extend children's deeper understanding. This limits some children's knowledge and skills, including acquiring new vocabulary. The school should ensure that the intended curriculum is consistently implemented throughout the early years, developing children's core knowledge of vocabulary and skills precisely.

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