Long Ditton Infant and Nursery School

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About Long Ditton Infant and Nursery School

Name Long Ditton Infant and Nursery School
Website http://www.longditton.surrey.sch.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Sarah Martin
Address Ditton Hill Road, Surbiton, KT6 5JB
Phone Number 02083984398
Phase Primary
Type Foundation school
Age Range 3-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 172
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school's ambition for pupils 'to be the best they can', echoes throughout every interaction and activity.

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. Relationships are positive and allow everyone here to thrive. Staff take great care to get to know each pupil and their family.

From their first days in school, the nurturing approach means that pupils feel happy, safe and well cared for.

Staff are dedicated to ensuring that all pupils receive the help and guidance they need to succeed. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are accurately identified and benefit from swift targeted support.

As a result, pupils achieve well across the c...urriculum.

Pupils gain new experiences through going on a wide range of trips and visits. They are encouraged to develop their artistic, sporting and linguistic talents and interests in an array of clubs.

These are very well attended by all. Pupils learn to be good citizens by engaging with the local community, visiting the local church and singing at care homes.

Parents and carers are unanimous in their praise of the school.

One parent, typical of many, described the school as, 'a place where pupils are valued and supported, and where they learn the values of respect, compassion and tolerance.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has designed a curriculum that is both broad and ambitious. It has ensured curriculum content builds each year.

Early years is deliberately and precisely included in all curriculums. As a result, pupils use their prior knowledge to support them well with new learning.

Children get off to a flying start in the early years.

They learn how to persevere and are eager to know more. Well-established school routines are embedded from the Nursery. These support children to foster highly positive attitudes towards learning.

Staff skilfully focus on developing children's language and helping them. These help them to master basic skills, such as counting and holding a pencil correctly. Staff utilise every opportunity to develop children's communication and language, promoting new vocabulary well.

These high-quality experiences across the early years help children to develop the important personal, social and academic skills that prepare them exceptionally well for Year 1.

The school has prioritised early reading, so pupils quickly learn to read with fluency. In the early years, children develop a deep love for reading.

Pupils access high quality texts throughout their daily experience. Skilled staff deliver phonics with precision. They check pupils' recall to identify gaps, then provide help swiftly to anyone who needs extra support.

Over time, pupils read and write with increasing accuracy, using vocabulary with greater accuracy. In mathematics, pupils secure important concepts and develop their understanding of number and calculation. This strong base enables pupils to apply their knowledge well in the wider curriculum.

The school ensures staff have strong subject knowledge. Staff demonstrate methods clearly and use questioning skilfully to check what pupils know and then act on any gaps in understanding. This helps pupils then build on their knowledge securely.

Adults support pupils with SEND well so that they access the same curriculum as their peers. Overall, staff provide pupils with activities that both challenge and deepen their understanding well. However, occasionally, activities set for pupils do not take fully into account their starting points.

When this occurs, pupils do not learn as well as they could.

The school excels in preparing pupils for life beyond its walls. It promotes core skills such as independence and resilience effectively across the curriculum.

The support for pupils' emotional development is strong. Pupils learn how to recognise their emotions and understand the importance of seeking help when needed. Pupils enjoy meaningful opportunities to learn about responsibility and leadership.

These include being a cloakroom monitor. The school teaches the importance of individuality and respect for others' choices well. Pupils learn about different cultures and faiths.

They understand the commonalities in religious festivals and moral values. The elected school council helps pupils understand democracy. It provides a platform where pupils can suggest improvements to their school.

They also play a key part in raising awareness about important issues. For instance, the recent 'Odd Shoes Tuesday' event highlighted the work of mental health charities

Staff are rightly proud to work at this school. They are confident there is always someone to go to if they need advice.

Governors know the school well. Through their experience and challenge, governors demonstrate a determination that every pupil achieves their best.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Occasionally, the tasks and activities given to pupils do not take fully into account their starting points. This affects some pupils' learning. The school should ensure that staff have the expertise to provide pupils with activities and tasks which reflects their needs and helps them learn the essential knowledge.

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