Long Lane Primary School

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About Long Lane Primary School

Name Long Lane Primary School
Website http://www.longlane.w-berks.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Christina Allison
Address Long Lane, Tilehurst, Reading, RG31 6YG
Phone Number 01189427187
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 208
Local Authority West Berkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection


Long Lane Primary School has taken effective action to maintain the standards identified at the previous inspection.

What is it like to attend this school?

Long Lane meets the needs of the pupils successfully.

Parents and carers are very supportive of how and why the school focuses on the development of the whole child, encouraging both academic and personal success. One parent's comments are reflective of many, 'The school has a real family and community feel and strives at every opportunity to be inclusive and understanding.'

Pupils are happy and enjoy learning.

Playtimes are a joy. Pupils can take part in a wide range of activities. These enable pupils to chal...lenge themselves, learn to take risks or just blow off steam.

They return to their lessons ready to learn.

Children in Reception settle quickly as a result of clear expectations and consistently applied routines. As they get older, pupils build on this, meeting their teachers' high expectations consistently.

Pupils are taught to take responsibility for their own behaviour from an early age. As a result, pupils have very positive attitudes to learning, and relationships at all levels are strong. Pupils feel safe because they trust the adults who look after them.

Adults listen to pupils and they are taught to speak out if they have a worry or a concern.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has an ambitious, unique curriculum, reflecting their core value of 'No learner left behind.' The school wants to make sure pupils of all abilities achieve.

Improvements in reading and mathematics across the school are testimony to how the school is making this a reality. The curriculum's intent is clear. Where the school has looked at the order and sequence that pupils learn concepts carefully, pupils' learning is effective.

In a few subjects, the school recognises that this needs to be more precise.The youngest children get off to a good start in English and mathematics. Skilled teachers and teaching assistants deliver consistent and well-structured phonics lessons.

As a result, pupils learn to read well. Pupils who struggle to read are identified and receive extra help to keep up. Children in Reception learn to read and write letters accurately.

They apply their phonics knowledge to sound out words and then write them. Older pupils successfully build on these basic skills and write in sentences.Mathematics is well taught.

The mathematics curriculum has a sharp focus on number. Pupils recall number facts and can apply these in calculation very well. However, the school's work to ensure that pupils are adept in applying their mathematical knowledge to problem-solve and reason is relatively new.

Pupils are beginning to deepen their understanding, building on what they already know. The school recognises the importance of maintaining this focus moving forward.Teachers have good subject knowledge and high expectations of pupils' behaviour and learning.

They check pupils' understanding of their learning consistently and take swift action to remedy any misconceptions. Teachers quickly identify pupils who need extra help. The school provides high levels of individual emotional support for those pupils who find learning more difficult.

In doing so, they ensure that all pupils achieve well, including disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).The provision to support pupils' personal development is woven across the curriculum. Pupils develop character, confidence and resilience.

For example, in physical education in Year 5, the curriculum develops the skills pupils will need when they take on roles of responsibility in Year 6. Pupils work hard and take responsibility for their own actions. They are tolerant, accepting and celebrate the opportunities that diversity brings.

One pupil summed this up by saying, 'Everybody needs a break and everybody has something to offer. That's why we have no outsiders, all welcome, all different.' Pupils undertake roles such as sports ambassadors.

They also prepare and lead whole-school assemblies.Pupils behave well because they understand that, if they don't, it not only affects their own learning but that of others. As a result, low-level disruption is rare.

This is highly effective in preparing pupils for their next steps in education.Staff have high levels of trust in school leaders. They feel leaders listen to them and take into account their points of view.

Staff rightly say that leaders, including governors, are sensitive to issues of workload and well-being. Staff appreciate the opportunities available to them to develop professionally.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The school's work to refine the mathematics curriculum is not yet complete. A minority of pupils do not apply their mathematical knowledge to problem-solving and reasoning sufficiently well. The school should make sure that it continues these refinements to ensure that all pupils build on their knowledge and skills to commit learning to their long-term memory.

• In a few subjects in the wider curriculum, the knowledge that pupils need to learn is not identified precisely enough. As a result, some pupils are unable to build on what they already know and understand. The school should clearly define the order and precise knowledge pupils need to know in these subjects so that pupils can achieve more.


Until September 2024, on a graded (section 5) inspection we gave schools an overall effectiveness grade, in addition to the key and provision judgements. Overall effectiveness grades given before September 2024 will continue to be visible on school inspection reports and on Ofsted's website. From September 2024 graded inspections will not include an overall effectiveness grade.

This school was, before September 2024, judged to be good for its overall effectiveness.

We have now inspected the school to determine whether it has taken effective action to maintain the standards identified at that previous inspection. This is called an ungraded inspection, and it is carried out under section 8 of the Education Act 2005.

We do not give graded judgements on an ungraded inspection. However, if we find evidence that a school's work has improved significantly or that it may not be as strong as it was at the last inspection, then the next inspection will be a graded inspection. A graded inspection is carried out under section 5 of the Act.

Usually this is within one to two years of the date of the ungraded inspection. If we have serious concerns about safeguarding, behaviour or the quality of education, we will deem the ungraded inspection a graded inspection immediately.

This is the first ungraded inspection since we judged the school to be good for overall effectiveness in February 2019.

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