Long Ridings Primary School

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About Long Ridings Primary School

Name Long Ridings Primary School
Website http://www.longridings-pri.org.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Nella Murthen
Address Long Ridings Avenue, Hutton, Brentwood, CM13 1DU
Phone Number 01277222488
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 394
Local Authority Essex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The headteacher has established a very positive climate for learning and high expectations. Consequently, strengths recognised at the time of the previous inspection have been consolidated. The headteacher and his deputy support and challenge teachers.

Their regular and accurate feedback helps them to recognise what they do well and what can improve. Skilled teaching focuses on building basic skills in English and mathematics. Pupils are well prepared for their secondary education.

Focused support for disabled pupils, those who have special educational needs and disadvantaged pupils is now effective in ensuring that these pupils make good... progress. Gaps in attainment between these pupils and others in the school and nationally are closing. Pupils are enthusiastic in lessons.

They try their best and enjoy their work. They are confident, polite and proud of their school. The broad curriculum provides rich learning experiences across a range of subjects.

The school makes use of its grounds to provide good outdoor learning opportunities and enhanced facilities for physical education and sports. Teaching and learning in the early years is good. Children progress well and enter Year 1 with the skills they need to be successful learners.

Governors understand their roles well and they are very involved in the life of the school. They challenge leaders to achieve good outcomes and look for ways to continually improve the effectiveness of the governing body. It is not yet an outstanding school because : Leaders do not always check the impact of their improvement plans rigorously by considering their impact on pupils' outcomes.

Some middle leaders do not contribute fully to improving teaching and learning in their areas of responsibility. Leaders do not always address the low attendance of a small minority of pupils well enough.

Information about this school

Long Ridings is a larger than average primary school.

The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for the additional pupil premium funding is below average. The pupil premium is additional funding for those pupils who are, or have been, eligible for free school meals at any time in the last six years, and children in the care of the local authority. Most pupils are White British.

The proportion of pupils from minority ethnic groups and who speak English as an additional language is below average. The proportion of disabled pupils and those with special educational needs is below average. The school meets the government's current floor standards, which set out the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress.

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