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Pupils are rightly proud to attend Long Sutton CofE Primary School.
They say the school is a welcoming and happy place. It is. Pupils are polite, well mannered and considerate of others.
All pupils are included and well cared for. This is highly valued by parents. The school motto, 'learn to love and love to learn', is well known by pupils.
They know how this, alongside the school promises, help them to be successful.
The school is ambitious for all pupils to learn well across the curriculum. Staff take time to build warm and secure relationships with pupils.
This helps them to learn well in a calm and nurturing environment. The school has w...orked with families to improve attendance. As a result, pupils attend well.
Pupils benefit from a range of experiences. There are many opportunities to develop pupils' talents and interests. Popular clubs include the society for deeper thinking, and choir.
The residential trip is valued by pupils. They say it helps them to develop personal skills and resilience. Pupils know they make a difference to their school.
They are keen to take on leadership roles such as school councillors and well-being ambassadors.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has designed an ambitious curriculum. This is underpinned by the promotion of oracy and reading to benefit all pupils.
The school has taken steps to develop the curriculum to ensure pupils learn well over time.
Where subjects are well established, the school has identified the precise knowledge it wants pupils to learn. For example, in mathematics, the precise knowledge is taught in a progressive order, starting in the early years.
This prepares pupils well for their next stage of learning. Within a small number of subjects, the school has not identified with enough precision the small steps of knowledge it wants pupils to know and remember, starting in the early years. As a result, some pupils develop gaps in their knowledge.
They are prepared less well for future learning.
Subject leaders check how well pupils learn the curriculum. Staff training is used effectively to support the teaching of the curriculum.
For example, staff explore texture using different medias in art before teaching the next unit of study. The curriculum design ensures pupils revisit prior learning through retrieval opportunities, such as the 'quiz box'. This helps pupils to remember important knowledge.
Assessment is used to check what pupils know and remember. This informs teachers about any curriculum adaptations needed to help pupils.
The school ensures that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) get the support they need.
These pupils benefit from early identification. Learning is adapted to help them access the same curriculum as their peers.
Reading is at the heart of the curriculum.
The school has considered carefully how books enhance teaching across subjects. Selected texts cover a range of genres as well as promoting pupils' understanding of different cultures. Pupils value reading and take pleasure in sharing their favourite books.
The school supports pupils to learn to read well. Assessment is used to identify and support pupils who need to catch up. Pupils read books that match the sounds they know.
This supports pupils to develop their fluency in reading.
Children in early years get off to a strong start. A smooth transition when starting school is a priority.
Older pupils are nominated as 'buddies' to help the youngest children settle well, which they do. Children enjoy the learning environment. They are provided with learning opportunities to promote curiosity.
Adults help children to deepen their understanding. For example, children are supported to explore numbers up to 10 using coins to buy food on the menu at the role play café.
Pupils behave well.
They know the school routines and expectations both in lessons and around the school. Pupils understand that the behaviour system helps them to be successful. The school provides additional support for pupils who might struggle to manage their behaviour.
Pupils' wider development is a strength. Pupils are supported to develop their understanding of equality and diversity. They are taught how to keep safe both online and in the wider world.
For example, pupils learn about the dangers of drug and alcohol use. Pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain. They have a lived experience of democracy through pupil leadership role elections.
Pupils share their knowledge of respect and tolerance of others with confidence.
Staff feel well supported by school leaders and governors. Training opportunities are promoted to all staff so they can develop professionally.
Governors know the school well. They fulfil their statutory responsibilities effectively.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In some subjects, the school has not identified with enough precision the knowledge they want pupils to know and remember. As a result, some pupils have gaps in their knowledge and so they are less prepared for their next stage of learning. The school must ensure that across all subjects the precise knowledge pupils need to learn is identified and taught progressively from early years to Year 6.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.