Longlevens Infant School

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About Longlevens Infant School

Name Longlevens Infant School
Website http://www.longlevensinfantschool.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Joint Acting Headteachers Mrs Kerry Cunningham
Address Paygrove Lane, Longlevens, Gloucester, GL2 0AX
Phone Number 01452520061
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 348
Local Authority Gloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The headteacher is ambitious for every pupil to achieve the very best standards. She has tackled weaknesses to raise achievement for current pupils.

Leaders have an accurate view of the school's strengths and areas to improve. Middle leaders, however, have not yet fully developed their expertise to hold teachers to account and to drive school improvement further. The curriculum is well planned to promote exciting learning activities for pupils.

Pupils, especially the most able, make good progress in all year groups. Minor inconsistencies in the quality of teaching assistants' support sometimes slow the progress of a few pupils, particular...ly disadvantaged pupils. Pupils are developing their skills in phonics, reading, writing and mathematics well across a range of subjects.

Some pupils do not develop their editing and redrafting skills in their writing to the standards of which they are capable. Children get off to a good start in the early years. They thrive because of the good teaching and high-quality care they receive.

Pupils have positive attitudes towards their learning. They are respectful towards one another and enjoy coming to school. Leaders prioritise safeguarding to keep pupils safe.

This is at the heart of the school's work. The school's values of 'creativity, community and child centred' permeate through each area of the school's work. The inclusion leader works closely with parents and staff to ensure that provision is effective.

Personalised interventions support pupils with additional and complex needs well. Governors share the headteacher's determination to ensure the very best for the pupils. Monitoring procedures are relatively new and some governors have not yet developed skills to monitor the work of school leaders and hold them fully to account.

Parents are very positive about the work of the school. The links between home and school are strong.

Information about this school

The school is a larger than average-sized infant school.

The majority of the children are White British. The proportion of pupils who are supported by the pupil premium is below the national average. The proportion of pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities is just above average.

The proportion of pupils who have a statement of special educational needs or an education, health and care plan is below average. The school runs and manages its own breakfast and after-school clubs. The school works with a group of local schools known as the Gloucestershire Schools' Partnership.

Also at this postcode
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