Longshaw Primary Academy

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About Longshaw Primary Academy

Name Longshaw Primary Academy
Website http://www.longshawprimaryacademy.org.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Jane Woods
Address Longshaw Road, Chingford, London, E4 6LH
Phone Number Unknown
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 233
Local Authority Waltham Forest
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders have developed an inclusive and welcoming culture. There is a strong sense of community, and pupils are very happy in the school.

Working relationships between staff and pupils are extremely positive. Staff know all pupils very well, which ensures that they are safe and well supported.

There are high expectations for all pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Pupils are proud of their school. They enjoy learning, work hard and are kind. In early years, staff provide children with excellent support so that they are fully ready for Year 1.

Pupils are well behaved during lessons and around the school ...site. This includes in early years, where children are extremely motivated and show high levels of respect for each other.

Pupils can take part in a range of wider opportunities in the school.

These include the eco-committee, street dance and gymnastics club. Pupils in the school choir have the opportunity to perform regularly. They take part in a variety of tournaments and competitions.

Pupils contribute to the school community through positions including prefects and school councillors.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have developed a curriculum that is ambitious and in line with the expectations of the national curriculum. They ensure that the curriculum progressively builds on pupils' knowledge over time.

In early years, staff provide a nurturing environment that ensures children achieve highly. Leaders place a sharp focus on ensuring that children develop their communication and language skills very well.

Teachers have strong subject knowledge and present information clearly.

They make adaptations to ensure that pupils with SEND access the same ambitious curriculum as their peers. Leaders work closely with parents and external agencies. They ensure that all pupils in the school receive the support they require to access the curriculum.

In early years, staff develop children's knowledge and skills expertly.

Sometimes, teaching does not check or deepen pupils' understanding before moving on to new content. This means that, on occasion, pupils do not commit knowledge to their long-term memories.

In early years, staff are highly effective at identifying any misconceptions. This includes regularly checking and developing children's use of vocabulary.

Leaders have a strong focus on pupils learning to read from when they first enter the Reception Year.

Staff are confident to deliver the phonics programme. They are trained effectively to be able to identify and support pupils who fall behind the pace of the programme. Bespoke support is put in place for these pupils to ensure they are supported effectively.

The books that pupils read are well matched to the sounds they know. Staff encourage pupils to read regularly.

Pupils have positive attitudes to learning.

Systems to manage behaviour are clear and effective, and staff use these consistently. Leaders ensure that attendance is high. They have robust procedures in place and work closely with parents to support pupils to attend school regularly.

In early years, children follow routines sensibly. They demonstrate high levels of self-control and concentrate on activities. Staff enable children to be highly motivated and eager to join in.

Leaders have developed a well-thought-out personal development curriculum. This builds pupils' knowledge of how to stay safe and healthy in an age-appropriate manner. Leaders make positive use of the local area so that pupils have a range of wider opportunities.

All pupils attend various outings every year, including visits to galleries, places of worship and museums. The school welcomes a variety of external visitors, including from a writing workshop and a mobile zoo.

Staff are extremely positive about how leaders look after their well-being.

They are well supported with their professional development through high-quality training opportunities. Leaders have built extremely strong relationships with parents and carers. They offer a number of parental sessions on themes including reading and online safety.

Governors understand the strengths and priorities of the school. They provide a wide range of expertise and carry out their role effectively.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• On occasion, teaching does not systematically identify and clarify pupils' misunderstandings. This means that, sometimes, pupils are not ready to learn new content and concepts. The school should develop the expertise of all teachers so that they address any gaps in pupils' understanding.

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