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Pupils, staff and parents are happy to be part of Lord Deramore's Primary School. They are proud of their school and the diverse community it serves.
The school embraces the many languages spoken and different home countries of the community.
Attendance is high. Pupils enjoy coming to school.
They experience an exceptional standard of education. Opportunities and enrichment are at the centre of school life. Pupils engage in many exciting opportunities that go beyond the curriculum.
This includes musical performances, career events and forest school sessions.
Behaviour in lessons and around school is exemplary. Pupils have a thirst for learni...ng.
They are deeply engaged in all aspects of school life, from classroom-based activities to taking part in the many enrichment opportunities available to them. Pupils work and play harmoniously together. Any instances of disagreement or low-level disruption in class are extremely rare.
The expectations for all pupils in school are extremely high. Many new pupils join Lord Deramore's during the school year, often with a wide range of different starting points and backgrounds. The school's high expectations and effective transition strategies help these pupils to get the support they need immediately.
Pupils at Lord Deramore's achieve exceptionally well.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has created an exciting and ambitious curriculum for all pupils. This is very well planned and sequenced.
Leaders leave nothing to chance in their design of the curriculum. They regularly make refinements and adaptations to ensure the curriculum meets the needs of pupils. This work has a strong impact on what pupils know and achieve.
Outcomes for all pupils are exceptionally strong. Pupils produce high-quality work. They articulate their knowledge well.
Pupils speak with confidence about periods of history they have studied. They demonstrate strong proficiency when singing and playing music.
Ongoing staff training and development is effective.
Staff are subject experts. Teachers are highly effective in explaining and creating connections across the curriculum. In lessons, pupils are supported to build independence and understanding.
For example, pupils could explain their historical understanding of Egyptian canopic jars while creating their own models in art and design. They could select the best method for building them from the range of strategies they had previously learned.
The school supports all pupils, including those who are disadvantaged and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), very well.
Staff identify very clearly the barriers that children face. They take intelligent steps to ensure these are overcome effectively.
Reading has an extremely high status in the school.
Pupils enjoy a rich, diverse reading offer. Reading is a clear priority for all staff. Pupils engage well with the school's embedded phonics programme.
Where pupils do need support, staff are well trained and provide highly effective intervention quickly. Pupils enjoy hearing their teachers read to them. This includes a poem every day, or other texts from the school's busy library.
Children in the early years are happy. They engage in extended periods of focused play. This is because their curriculum is well planned and sparks their interest.
Children enjoy making links with their learning through play, such as building power stations, or creating erupting volcanoes. Children are resilient. Staff know the children in early years very well.
They offer effective support when it is needed. Children make excellent progress and are ready for the demands of Year 1.
The school's programme to develop and 'nurture learners for life' is exceptional.
Pupils enjoy many wide-ranging activities that support their personal development. Opportunities such as reading leaders and well-being leaders enable pupils to take on vital roles in school. There are many clubs for pupils to attend too, including a highly skilled and longstanding orchestra.
Leaders have taken intelligent action to make sure that many pupils, including those who are disadvantaged, or who have SEND, attend these clubs. The curriculum for personal, social and health education is highly effective. This means that pupils understand discrimination and prejudice.
Pupils have a clear understanding about how to keep themselves safe, including online. Pupils' knowledge of different religions is a strength. They engage in rich experiences to help strengthen their understanding.
Lord Deramore's is highly respected in the community. Leaders build effective relationships at all levels. As a result, families say they feel 'lucky' to be part of the school and that their children 'thrive'.
Staff workload is carefully considered. Morale is high. Governors are very experienced and know the school well.
They receive detailed information from leaders and regularly check this. Governors are highly effective in their support and challenge.