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Pupils appreciate being part of this exceptional school. Staff warmly welcome them as they arrive each morning. This reinforces a culture of compassion, where pupils learn to put caring for others at the heart of all that they do.
For instance, Year 6 pupils eagerly anticipate the time that they spend with their 'buddies' in the early years. Older pupils spoke with pride about helping their younger peers to learn new things and to behave with consideration and respect for others.
Pupils said that there is 'something for everyone here'.
They seize opportunities to develop new interests and hobbies, from ice skating to making jewellery. Pupils learn to be resil...ient. For example, they described overcoming their fears to participate in activities on residential trips.
Starting at the beginning of the early years, children develop a thirst for knowledge. They delight in discovering new things. Pupils are keen to ensure that no learning time is wasted.
Lessons are calm and purposeful. Pupils are exceedingly courteous and respectful towards staff, visitors and each other.
Pupils benefit from an education of the highest quality.
The school expects pupils to achieve highly, which they do. Pupils flourish into knowledgeable and confident individuals, who are extremely well prepared for the wider world.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school and its governors are committed to providing a curriculum that gives pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), the best possible start in life.
They do this successfully. The school has designed its curriculum meticulously to build pupils' understanding securely over time. Staff take every opportunity to enhance the curriculum through trips and visits, as well as by making extensive use of the school's grounds and the local area.
Consequently, pupils not only achieve well, but their learning is also enriched by memorable experiences.
Reading is at the forefront of the curriculum. Pupils in the Reception class benefit from an expertly delivered phonics programme.
They read from books that match their phonics knowledge. This helps pupils to develop quickly into confident and fluent readers. Staff provide highly effective support to pupils who struggle with reading so that they can keep up with their peers.
Older pupils described the wonder of visiting 'a whole new world' in a book. They eagerly seek out new book recommendations on the classroom 'reading wall'. From the early years to Year 6, staff immerse pupils in subject-specific vocabulary.
Pupils use this to articulate their learning clearly.
The school equips teachers to deliver the curriculum effectively. Teachers carefully check that pupils understand and remember the important knowledge that is identified in the curriculum.
They swiftly identify misconceptions or gaps in pupils' learning to ensure that pupils' knowledge is secure before they introduce new content. In the early years, staff know children extremely well. Staff skilfully design learning activities that build on what children already know.
Over time, pupils of all ages build deep and interconnected bodies of knowledge in each subject. They are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage of their learning.
From the early years onwards, staff assiduously identify any additional needs that pupils may have.
The school ensures that pupils with SEND receive the support that they need to achieve well. Staff are adept at adapting their delivery of the curriculum to ensure that these pupils learn successfully.
The school's approach to supporting pupil's personal development is threaded through all aspects of school life.
For instance, pupils learn to make positive contributions to the community through roles, such as road-safety officers. They also take turns to serve food to their peers at lunchtime. Pupils learn a wealth of information that prepares them for life in modern society.
They are knowledgeable about different faiths and cultures. Pupils' learning about tolerance and respect shines through their interactions with others.
When they join the Reception class, children quickly learn to follow routines that help to create a positive and enriching learning environment.
Even the youngest children are highly motivated to learn. Most pupils are rarely absent from school. When this is not the case, the school works closely with families to remove any barriers that may prevent pupils from attending frequently.
Governors, parents and carers, staff and pupils said that this is a school that they never want to leave. Even so, there is no complacency. Governors provide insightful challenge and support to help the school to offer the best possible education for pupils.
Staff are highly appreciative of the positive steps that the school takes to reduce their workload, for example they were consulted about changes to the feedback policy. They are exceedingly proud to work at the school.