Loxford School

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About Loxford School

Name Loxford School
Website http://www.loxford.net
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Anita Johnson OBE
Address Loxford Lane, Ilford, IG1 2UT
Phone Number 02085144666
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-19
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 2791
Local Authority Redbridge
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils at Loxford receive an exceptional education.

This starts in early years, where strong foundations are built, and continues through to the sixth form. Pupils are safe here. They appreciate the support they receive from staff if they have a concern.

The school is ambitious for all its pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). The curriculum is well sequenced and carefully thought through. There are very clear links across subjects from the primary into the secondary phases of the school.

This supports pupils to build knowledge securely as they move through each year. Students in the sixth form benefit from a wide ...range of opportunities to develop their academic knowledge and skills.

Staff have consistently high expectations of pupils' behaviour.

Pupils behave very well in all phases of their education. They are committed to their learning and take pride in their work. Where pupils struggle, the school takes prompt and highly effective action to support them.

The school offers a rich range of wider opportunities. These include clubs, extra support for learning, leadership development programmes and school visits. Students in the sixth form are excellent role models for younger pupils.

They participate fully in the school's LOX 100 programme, designed to develop their wider skills, independence and critical thinking.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has designed a curriculum which is focused sharply on helping all pupils achieve well. Secure foundations are established swiftly and consistently in early years.

Children in Nursery and Reception benefit from a well-resourced environment. Adults think carefully about purposeful activities and encourage children to explore new learning. Children concentrate well.

They learn and play cooperatively with each other.

Pupils follow an ambitious curriculum. Leaders have identified the knowledge that pupils will learn, across all subjects and phases.

This is sequenced coherently and enables pupils to recall prior learning and to apply it with confidence in new contexts, and when tackling more complex ideas. For example, in English, pupils study a range of different Shakespeare plays in key stages 3 and 4. This enables them to develop a deep appreciation of how language and dramatic devices are used to create powerful effects for the audience.

Pupils also study high-quality contemporary texts, including poetry. They enjoy the opportunity to experience such a broad range of literature.

The school has made reading an absolute priority.

This is the 'bedrock' of the school's curriculum. Phonics begins right from the start of Reception. The programme is planned and sequenced in a logical way which allows pupils to build up their phonics knowledge gradually and securely.

Leaders make sure that pupils' phonics knowledge is checked closely. As a result, pupils gain fluency and confidence in their reading. The focus on the importance of reading continues throughout pupils' education at the school.

Pupils read widely and enjoy choosing books. Students in the sixth form also have dedicated reading time and promote their love of reading with younger pupils.

The school provides high-quality subject-specific training for staff.

The calendar for this is well planned to give staff the time they need to embed their learning. Teachers have strong subject knowledge. They present information clearly and explain concepts effectively.

They use activities that are designed to deepen and consolidate what pupils have learned. This is consistent across subjects. Pupils, including those with SEND, develop a secure body of knowledge and skills in different subjects.

This enables them to tackle increasingly complex learning. The curriculum in the sixth form enables pupils to achieve well and build on secure foundations.

Pupils with SEND are very well supported.

Leaders identify specific needs and ensure that this information is shared with staff. They work closely with specialists to ensure that support is targeted and effective. Teachers use this guidance well to make appropriate adaptations which enable pupils to access the curriculum successfully.

Staff have very high expectations of pupils' behaviour. Pupils develop independence and benefit from the support they receive to self-regulate and to build confidence. They take pride in their work and relish the opportunity to support their peers.

For example, Year 12 students support pupils in the primary phase to read fluently. Lessons are rarely disrupted. Pupils have very positive attitudes towards their learning.

They are respectful and considerate of others, across year groups. They attend well. The school takes prompt and effective action where any concerns about attendance are identified.

Leaders have carefully designed the school's personal, social and health education curriculum so that it supports pupils' wider development very well. Pupils appreciate opportunities to discuss different faiths, perspectives and cultures. They learn about how to stay healthy and how to keep themselves safe, including when online.

Leaders prepare pupils and students in the sixth form well for the next stage of education, employment or training. High numbers of pupils from Year 11 continue their studies in the sixth form. Visiting speakers provide useful information about different pathways, including apprenticeships and universities.

Students in the sixth form benefit from extensive opportunities to broaden their knowledge and understanding of subject areas and careers.

Leaders have a well-informed and accurate view of the school. They are sharply focused on what is working well and areas that need further development.

The trust board and governors share leaders' ambitions for all pupils to be successful. They maintain effective strategic oversight of the school's work and fulfil their statutory duties well.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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