Ludgvan School

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About Ludgvan School

Name Ludgvan School
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mr Rob Hamshar
Address Lower Quarter, Ludgvan, Penzance, TR20 8EX
Phone Number 01736740408
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 5-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 205
Local Authority Cornwall
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Staff work hard to ensure that pupils have the best possible education, and can discover their talents and widen their experiences. Pupils are enthusiastic about how teachers use the local area to bring learning from the classroom into a real-life situation.

Year 2 pupils, for example, spoke of their trip to the seal sanctuary. This gave them first-hand experience to write a report describing a seal, where it lives and the food that it eats. Pupils also enjoy contributing to local cultural traditions, such as creating floats and sculptures for the Mazey Day parade.

Pupils understand the importance of school rules and help to decide these. Most pupils follow them, so t...he school is a settled, welcoming and orderly place. Teachers encourage pupils to make good decisions about the way that they act and support them when they make mistakes.

Yet, at times, pupils do not maintain their focus in lessons as well as they should.

Pupils support one another and say that bullying is rare. They are clear about the importance of treating everyone equally and with respect.

All parents who responded to the Parent View questionnaire agree that this, too, is their experience of the school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have an exciting vision for the curriculum that is beginning to engage pupils. Leaders have mapped out what pupils should learn in each year.

For example, when exploring 'plastic pollution', pupils consider scientific and ethical issues, as well as, mathematically, how long a piece of plastic takes to decompose. Pupils express their feelings about this through art and plan practical ways that they can reduce their plastic usage.

Where teaching is well planned, pupils remember the key ideas that they have learned.

However, teachers are not always clear on how they can best order pupils' learning so that they can build on what they have done before. Teachers do not consistently check what pupils can do to help them plan for what should come next. In subjects such as geography, history, art and music, pupils take part in engaging activities, but sometimes have difficulty in remembering the important ideas of the subject.

Subject leaders are now beginning to check that teachers follow the curriculum plans so that pupils can remember and apply their knowledge.

In mathematics, teachers have a clear understanding of what pupils need to cover and by when. This has led to an improvement in the progress that pupils make by the end of key stage 2.

Pupils use their calculation skills to solve more difficult problems. However, teachers do not always pick up pupils' misconceptions quickly enough and plan learning that is matched well to pupils' starting points.

Teachers encourage pupils to read regularly and for enjoyment.

Pupils share stories and begin to learn their early letters and sounds in Reception. Most pupils achieve the phonics screening check by the end of Year 1. However, the impact of the phonics programme is variable.

At times, pupils do not use their knowledge to spell words correctly.

Pupils who fall behind in reading receive support which meets their needs. This means that by key stage 2, pupils can predict what will happen next in a story, discuss the author's meaning and consider the moral and cultural questions that arise.

Consequently, pupils make strong progress in reading by the end of Year 6.

The school provides excellent opportunities to promote pupils' personal development. The 'school parliament' has elected roles, and pupils say that their contributions are valued.'

Play Leaders' make sure that pupils do not feel left out at playtime. Leaders join up with other schools so that pupils can work with others from different social and cultural backgrounds.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities are looked after well.

They receive the support they need, and leaders review this regularly.

Children make a positive start to Reception. For example, in science, children explore the effect of light on a prism, experiment with melting ice and hunt for sea creatures in the outside space.

Leaders work with teachers in key stage 1 so that children are well prepared for Year 1. Staff help children to develop their communication and learn how to play positively together.

Leaders plan to work with other schools in the trust to share subject expertise and to devise a curriculum which will prepare pupils well, both now and in the future.

Governors ask the right questions of school leaders. They have developed their approach so that they can support and challenge the school to improve further.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders and governors have worked hard to ensure that staff are alert and watchful for the signs that pupils might be at risk. Staff have had relevant training and know how to report any concerns that they have.

Leaders seek advice from outside agencies so that pupils who are vulnerable receive the support that they need.

Leaders stress the importance of good attendance and work with families, where necessary, to support pupils to attend more regularly.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

Teachers understand the knowledge and skills that pupils need to cover in each year group. Leaders need to continue to support teachers to build their subject knowledge and pedagogical understanding to help them ensure that important concepts are remembered by pupils in the longer term.

. Leaders need to continue to review the implementation and impact of the new curriculum, along with how teachers use their assessments to inform planning. In particular, they need to check how well the coverage and sequencing of the curriculum help pupils to learn and remember more across the full range of subjects.

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