Ludham Primary School and Nursery

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About Ludham Primary School and Nursery

Name Ludham Primary School and Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Andrea Goreham
Address School Road, Ludham, Great Yarmouth, NR29 5QN
Phone Number 01692678293
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 102
Local Authority Norfolk
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school. The teachers plan interesting lessons that engage and motivate the pupils. Pupils make good progress in a range of subjects.

They do well in reading and mathematics, and make particularly good progress in science. Pupils concentrate in lessons, behave well in the playground, and say they feel safe at school. The classrooms are stimulating places for pupils, who have easy access to a broad range of resources that help them to learn.

The pupils are taught an interesting range of subjects and themes, including modern languages. Disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs make good progress because the extra teaching and sup...port they receive is well managed and effective. The headteacher keeps a careful check on the quality of teaching and the progress that the pupils make.

Governors challenge the school to perform as well as it can. They frequently visit the school to check how well it is doing. It is not yet an outstanding school because : Not as many pupils are making faster than expected progress in writing as they are in reading and mathematics.

Although marking is detailed and helpful, it is not as effective as it could be because pupils are not always given the chance to respond to their teacher's comments. The targets set for teachers' performance are not sharp enough. Similarly, plans for improvement are not sufficiently focused to ensure that pupils' progress accelerates rapidly.

Information about this school

The school population is smaller than that of most primary schools. However, it has grown in size by over a third in the last three years. Almost all of the pupils are White British.

The proportion of pupils from minority ethnic groups and the proportion who speak English as an additional language are both below the national average. The proportion of disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs at school action (pupils who need extra support with their learning) is above average. The proportion at school action plus, or who have a statement of special educational needs, is broadly average.

The proportion of pupils supported through the pupil premium is below the national average. This funding supports those pupils known to be eligible for free school meals and those children who are 'looked after'. The school meets the government's floor standard, which sets the minimum expectations for attainment and progress.

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