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Pupils enjoy coming to school and learning with their friends. They are polite, respectful and friendly to each other and to adults. Pupils play well together at breaktimes in the very extensive playground.
Pupils flourish at the school and behave well. The school is a calm and orderly environment. Bullying is very rare.
Pupils know that if they are worried, there are staff who will help them. They have great trust in staff.
Pupils have a remarkable sense of equality and fairness.
They are adamant that everyone should be treated equally no matter what they look like or where they come from.
The school has high expectations of pupils, includi...ng those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils rise to meet these high expectations and achieve well.
The vast majority of parents are overwhelmingly positive about the school. They told inspectors that staff 'do an amazing job'. Parents know their children are well cared for and safe in school.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school's high ambition for pupils is reflected in the aspirational curriculum that pupils enjoy. Much thought has gone into designing a curriculum that meets the needs of all pupils. In mathematics and English, teachers continuously build on previous learning to secure a deep body of knowledge and high outcomes for pupils at the end of Year 6.
The school has developed new curriculums in some wider subjects. Staff plan interesting lessons that encourage pupils to contribute well. Pupils' knowledge is improving over time in these subjects.
However, pupils' understanding in some of these subjects is not checked carefully enough. As a result, gaps in knowledge are not clearly identified. This means that sometimes pupils' understanding is not as deep as it could be.
The school makes reading and phonics fundamental to unlocking the whole of the curriculum for pupils. Well-trained staff deliver the phonics and reading programmes extremely well. Pupils who find reading more difficult receive skilful support to help them catch up quickly.
This helps pupils become confident, fluent readers. There is an excellent focus on developing vocabulary so children understand what they are reading. The school provides additional opportunities for some pupils to read to adults to build their confidence.
Pupils with SEND are supported skilfully and their needs are identified well. The school works closely with parents and external agencies to identify the support each pupil needs. Teachers adapt work so that pupils can access the same curriculum as their peers.
In Reception, children cooperate exceptionally well with adults and each other. Children are enthused and excited about learning. The curriculum has been planned very carefully to ensure children are ready for learning in Year 1.
For example, children learn 'All about me and my local area'. A book, 'The Train Ride', is used to help children become familiar with the sights on a train journey and understand how to plan a journey from the local station. Children use their mathematical skills to buy tickets and write about what they might experience during the journey.
School routines are well established right from Reception. High levels of concentration are sustained by the very youngest pupils. Most older pupils concentrate well in lessons and persevere with challenging tasks.
Attendance continues to improve for pupils, including disadvantaged pupils.
Pupils benefit greatly from the school's unwavering focus on the wider curriculum. Leaders have high expectations.
They promote pupils' independence, perseverance, pride and respect for others. Pupils' well-being is paramount. They have a remarkable understanding of mental health and of strategies to reduce stress.
Pupils spoke about the array of meaningful enrichment activities and are knowledgeable about various faiths and religions. They have a keen awareness of the importance of fundamental British values and describe them as 'rules that guide society'. Pupils are proud of their school and exceptionally well prepared for life in modern Britain.
Governors use their expertise to provide the school with appropriate support and challenge. They are highly committed to the success of every pupil and check on the school's work to achieve this ambition. Leaders support staff's well-being.
Staff are appreciative of the work leaders do to reduce their workload and plan for change. Staff are proud to be part of the school.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In some subjects, pupils' prior knowledge is not checked consistently well and gaps in key knowledge are not clearly identified. When this happens, pupils lack the foundations for new learning. The school should make sure that pupils' prior learning is checked consistently well so that they are ready for more complex learning.