Lyng Hall School

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About Lyng Hall School

Name Lyng Hall School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Paul Green
Address Blackberry Lane, Coventry, CV2 3JS
Phone Number 02476724960
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 981
Local Authority Coventry
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The headteacher has built an effective and cohesive leadership team. Strong leadership has led to significant improvements across the school, evident in the quality of teaching and the progress seen in pupils' books. The quality of teaching is consistently good or better.

Teachers have a good understanding of what pupils already know and can do and plan lessons to meet the needs of all pupils. Published outcomes in 2018 show that pupils made weak progress. However, the majority of pupils in school now are making stronger progress from their different starting points.

Disadvantaged pupils have previously underachieved. These pupils are now... receiving effective academic, as well as pastoral, support, which is helping them to make stronger progress. The strategic leadership of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and of pupils who speak English as an additional language is effective.

All staff understand these pupils' individual learning needs. Staff provide high-quality support to help these pupils make progress. Leaders have developed a highly personalised curriculum that provides a number of different pathways that caters for specific needs for groups of learners.

A focus on literacy is helping the vast majority of pupils to have improved access to the curriculum. The pastoral care for pupils is exceptional. Staff ensure that pupils' well-being is always a high priority.

This helps pupils enjoy their learning experience. Pupils' behaviour is good. Sixth-form students are appreciative of the support they are given.

Current progress for students in the sixth form is improving. Leaders provide a comprehensive and high-quality careers education offer. This ensures that pupils and students are well informed about their next steps.

The school has recently been designated as a careers hub. Pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development is a significant strength of the school. Pupils show a high level of respect for all cultures.

The governors and the multi-academy trust (MAT) provide leaders with excellent support but also ensure that leaders are continuing to improve the school further.

information about the school's performance. Their scrutiny of the school's work ensures

that they can ask challenging questions that focus on the specific requirements of the relevant priorities for the school.

Safeguarding The arrangements for safeguarding are effective and of a very high quality. Staff work together to create a culture of safeguarding which is underpinned by regular training for every member of staff at the school. All staff agree that leaders make pupils' welfare and safety a priority.

All staff have a strong understanding of the school's safeguarding policies and procedures. Their knowledge of safeguarding is updated regularly, including in the 'Prevent' duty, and leaders check that this training is understood. Leaders, including governors, are clear that their duty is not only to provide training and check understanding, but to ensure that there is an absolute commitment to keeping children safe.

Pupils said that they feel very safe in school. Pupils have a secure understanding of how to keep themselves and others safe. They understand the risks and can talk confidently about 'living without harm'.

Pupils can identify risk and the preventative steps that they should take to keep themselves safe. Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Good Leaders have developed strategies for high-quality teaching. Innovative programmes of support for the development of teaching staff have paid dividends.

Regular opportunities to share good practice, alongside regular and ongoing checks on classroom practice, are welcomed by staff, who have benefited from these opportunities and are keen to continue to improve. Consequently, teaching is now consistently good or better across the school. Teachers have very strong subject knowledge.

All teachers are well informed about individual pupils' starting points and use this information to plan activities that are well matched to pupils' abilities. As a result, pupils are making stronger progress. Teachers focus on the key skills that are required, both to access the work and to be able to apply their learning.

For example, inspectors saw a group of Year 7 pupils with high prior attainment demonstrating resilience in their learning. Similarly, a group of pupils who speak English as an additional language were also seen developing resilience as a result of the teachers' precise planning, based on a clear understanding of pupils' strengths and areas for development. Consequently, pupils are able to take their learning and skill development from one subject to another.

This is ensuring strong attitudes to learning and is evident in all year groups. Teachers' planning ensures that pupils are not given too much information or too many tasks simultaneously. A good example of this was seen in several English lessons where effective use was made of pictorial and diagrammatic material that focused pupils on core learning.

This was supported by well-framed questioning that allowed pupils to deepen and extend their learning. Planned misconceptions were seen being used effectively by teachers in mathematics in order to promote a better understanding of challenging concepts. A strategy used in the school called 'responsive teaching' has been developed and is being used consistently across all subject areas.

This is ensuring that the needs of all pupils are being met through more timely intervention and focused planning. The positive impact of this was evident in pupils' assessment books. Leaders value the importance of homework in strengthening pupils' understanding.

Leaders monitor both the setting and quality of homework tasks. High-quality, consistent assessment practice is seen in pupils' 'purple books', evident in all subjects in all key stages, which capture progress over time for pupils. The assessment books contribute well to ensuring that pupils understand the progress they are making and that they are learning from their mistakes.

Pupils were able to talk with confidence and enthusiasm when sharing their work with inspectors and were articulate in describing their learning journey. Teachers' expectations are high. Pupils show pride in their work.

This is reflected in the care taken in the layout of work. Books are well presented. All teachers and pupils consistently follow school guidelines on assessment through the use of 'Focus, action and respond.'

Pupils say that learning from their own mistakes and being able to respond to them are helping them make better progress. Teachers ensure the promotion of literacy development and this is improving subject-specific vocabulary. Teachers provide use of planned time in lessons for pupils to read, discuss and improve their notes.

Pupils say that strategies such as 'boxing in', which enables pupils to organise their ideas clearly, are helping them to focus their learning. Consequently, pupils are embedding strong learning habits and this is ensuring stronger progress. Teachers and teaching assistants have a very good understanding of all pupils' learning needs.

They plan carefully to meet these needs, ensuring that every pupil is fully integrated into the learning, especially pupils with SEND and pupils who speak English as an additional language. Progress for these groups of learners is improving. Personal development, behaviour and welfare Good Personal development and welfare The school's work to promote pupils' personal development and welfare is outstanding.

This includes the sixth form. The inclusive ethos of the school ensures that every member of staff has pupils' welfare as their highest priority. Staff show a relentless commitment to ensuring that all pupils have positive learning experiences, feel safe and receive the support that is required to help them succeed.

Relationships between staff and pupils are very positive and demonstrate a genuine respect for each other. The exceptional pastoral support ensures that pupils value and engage fully in their education. One pupil commented, 'This is like my second home.

We are all one family.' Other pupils shared similar sentiments. Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe through a carefully planned curriculum that is delivered through subject areas, tutor times and assemblies.

Leaders identify the potential risks that pupils could face within the local community and ensure that they teach pupils how to keep themselves as safe as possible from dangers, such as knife crime. Parents and carers who responded to Parent View, Ofsted's online questionnaire, were unanimous in their praise for the help, support and guidance pupils receive. This was also evident in parental surveys carried out by school leaders that were shared with inspectors.

Over half of the pupil population fall into one of the vulnerable group categories. These pupils are provided with effective personalised support. One such pupil, who asked to speak with inspectors, praised the support he receives via one-to-one support and targeted interventions.

He says that the school is helping him make better progress and is also helping him 'become a responsible person'. Many pupils who spoke with inspectors agreed. In Years 7 to 9, the foundation group is providing effective personal development for individual pupils.

It caters for a range of academic, emotional, social and well-being needs. This personalised approach is enabling pupils to access the curriculum and make stronger progress from their starting points. Pupils value this provision.

One pupil commented that he did not use to like school but, since he came to Lyng Hall, he felt he had been 'really looked after', adding: 'Teachers really care about me. I feel I can now do things that I couldn't do before.' Another pupil said: 'There is always more than one teacher in the room and that means that there is always someone who can help me.'

Pupils show a good understanding of what bullying is, including cyber bullying. Pupils say that bullying is rare. Racism and homophobia are rare.

Pupils have every confidence that, when they do occur, any problem is dealt with swiftly and effectively by staff. Pupils are proud of their school. They look after their environment.

As a result, the school's buildings are free from litter and graffiti. Pupils have numerous opportunities to explore leadership positions, for example through the school's 'student college'. These opportunities contribute to pupils' readiness for the world of work.

Pupils are enthusiastic in their appreciation for their personal development and welfare. A number of pupils told inspectors that they were inspired by many of their teachers and, as a consequence, now want to become teachers themselves. Behaviour Pupils conduct themselves well in almost all lessons, at break and lunchtime and as they move around the school.

Pupils represent the school well and greet visitors politely, offering to escort them to different parts of the school. Pupils are very open to engaging in conversation. A small number of pupils have been supported through alternative approaches provided on-site.

The 'Sail Centre' provides effective support for a group of vulnerable pupils, offering them a safe and secure environment to learn. The centre focuses on individual improvement plans around behaviour, with the aim of full integration back into the main school. This is largely successful.

Consequently, fixed-term exclusions are reducing. Leaders recognise the needs of all pupils and go to great lengths to support individual pupils and their families to promote positive behaviour. There is a calm atmosphere around the school.

Pupils demonstrate positive behaviours for learning. The transient nature of the school population provides leaders with specific challenges in ensuring that pupils attend school regularly. Pastoral teams engage positively with families, community groups and outside agencies.

As a result, attendance is improving and moving towards the national average. Persistent absence is improving. This is for all pupils and for specific groups of pupils.

Effective school systems are ensuring that vulnerable pupils, for example children looked after, are well supported with their attendance. Outcomes for pupils Good In the past, too few pupils have achieved the outcomes that are expected of them. In 2018, the progress of disadvantaged pupils and most-able pupils was significantly below the national average.

A stronger more-effective strategy to improve the quality of teaching and learning and to ensure that the curriculum is meeting the needs of all pupils is having a significant impact. Leaders' analysis of current pupils' progress shows that the majority of pupils are making stronger progress compared to historic outcomes. This includes all groups of pupils, including disadvantaged pupils.

It is evident in all subjects, including English and mathematics, and in all year groups. This progress is clearly evident in pupils' books. It is strongest in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10.

Pupils with SEND receive effective support which is now helping them to make better progress. Leaders and teachers have employed a range of strategies that help them gain a detailed understanding of individual needs. This information, along with work in books, shows that current pupils with SEND are making good progress from their starting points.

The school has a high proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language. Teachers provide a rich language environment to help these pupils to develop their English. Pupils receive effective personalised support through the curriculum offer, which is enabling them to make stronger progress.

Currently, most pupils who speak English as an additional language are making good progress. Many pupils have weak basic literacy skills when they join the school. Leaders have introduced a school-wide programme to improve literacy levels.

This programme is partly funded through the Year 7 catch-up funding. As a result of this targeted intervention, pupils are making stronger progress. Leaders provide each pupil with aspirational targets which are based on their individual starting points.

These targets are regularly reviewed and adjusted to take account of pupils' individual needs. Pupils are able to explain these targets and can articulate the steps they need to take to reach their next milestones. Pupils follow an appropriate curriculum at key stage 4, which is designed to prepare pupils for their next steps in education or training.

However, the entry for courses leading to the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) is very low. Leaders use the information they have about pupils to plan individual carefully designed GCSE pathways that raise aspiration, ensure ambition and are appropriate to individual needs. Leaders do expect more pupils to be eligible for the EBacc in future years but know they have a long way to go in meeting the government target of 75% of all pupils to be entered by 2022.

The proportion of pupils who leave the school and go on to further education, employment or apprenticeships is high and rising. 16 to 19 study programmes Good Leaders are ambitious to see the sixth form continue to improve. Leaders were disappointed with the overall published outcomes in 2018.

Student numbers are, however, relatively small. An inclusive entry policy sees students joining the sixth form with a range of attainment profiles. Teaching is good.

Progress for current pupils is improving and this is evident in the lessons observed and in the quality of work seen. A more robust system of monitoring is ensuring that individual learning needs can be met swiftly. Attendance, punctuality, behaviour and attitudes to learning are all excellent in the sixth form.

Students enjoy their studies. They are appreciative of the support they are given. The school's sixth form, including work-related activities, meets the 16 to 19 study programme requirements.

Students develop their employability skills via a range of programmes, including paid internships. Leaders offer a comprehensive careers programme which has led to a number of national awards for individual pupils and for the school. The school has recently been designated a 'careers hub' to serve the locality.

High-quality support means that most students complete their courses. Equally effective guidance in Years 12 and 13 prepares students well for when they leave school. Consequently, the proportions of students who move on to university, apprenticeships, further education or employment are consistently high.

Students are proud of their school. They feel safe and are safe. They know how to live safe and healthy lifestyles because they understand the risks they might otherwise face.

Current pupils have achieved higher grades at GCSE compared with previous years. Supported by a stronger teaching profile and an improved curriculum offer, progress is improving. A small number of students attend some of their lessons at other schools within the MAT.

School details Unique reference number 142960 Local authority Coventry Inspection number 10088525 This inspection of the school was carried out under section 5 of the Education Act 2005. Type of school Secondary School category Academy converter Age range of pupils 11 to 18 Gender of pupils Mixed Gender of pupils in 16 to 19 study programmes Mixed Number of pupils on the school roll 715 Of which, number on roll in 16 to 19 study programmes 75 Appropriate authority Board of trustees Chair Mr Ghulam Vhora Headteacher Mr Paul Green Telephone number 02476 724 960 Website www.lynghallschool. Email address [email protected].

uk Date of previous inspection Not previously inspected

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