We are Locrating.com, a schools information website. This page is one of our school directory pages. This is not the website of Lytham St Annes High School.
Locrating is the UK's most popular and trusted school guide; it allows you to view inspection reports, admissions data, exam results, catchment areas, league tables, school reviews, neighbourhood information, carry out school comparisons and much more. Below is some useful summary information regarding Lytham St Annes High School.
This school is closed. A new school may have opened in its place with a new URN; if this is the case, there will be a link shown below. Closure reason: 31/01/2025 academy converter |
Name | Lytham St Annes High School |
Address | Albany Road, Lytham St. Annes, FY8 4GW |
Also at this postcodeLytham St Annes High School |