Mab’s Cross Primary School

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About Mab’s Cross Primary School

Name Mab’s Cross Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Head Teacher Mrs A Poole
Address Standishgate, Wigan, WN1 1XL
Phone Number 01942749200
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 478
Local Authority Wigan
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy coming to this welcoming school. Leaders ensure they bring out the best in everyone, as the school motto promises. Leaders have high expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Pupils are happy and safe. They enjoy learning and have highly positive attitudes to their education.

Leaders and staff make sure that pupils' behaviour is exemplary.

Pupils are respectful of each other and support and care for each other. They are welcoming and polite. Pupils understand what bullying is.

They have trusted adults in school to talk to about concerns. Pupils told inspectors that adults deal... with the very rare cases of bullying straight away.

Pupils enjoy the range of activities on offer.

They look forward to residential trips such as a cultural visit to London. This increases their understanding of the wider world. They value clubs such as cooking, comic book drawing, and puzzles.

Pupils understand the importance of helping their local community. They support the local food bank charity and have organised litter picks. Pupils become active and responsible members of their community.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have constructed an ambitious curriculum that is carefully thought out. The curriculum excites, and engages and promotes learning from the minute children join the school in the Reception Year. In most subjects, leaders are clear about the knowledge that pupils should learn and when they should learn it.

This helps to ensure that most pupils achieve well.

In a minority of subjects, the curriculum is at an earlier stage of development. As such, leaders have not checked that these curriculums are being delivered to help pupils to know and remember more.

As a result, pupils are not able to apply what they know as confidently and independently as they do in other subjects.

Teachers have a good knowledge of the subjects that they teach. They have resources that reflect the ambition of the curriculum.

This means that teachers successfully create an environment that enables pupils to progress well through the curriculum. Pupils learn about a diverse range of people and places in the world. They understand and appreciate difference in the world and its people.

In some subjects, teachers use assessment strategies well to check that pupils understand new knowledge. They use the information from these checks effectively to check for gaps in learning and to modify the curriculum. In a minority of subjects, leaders have not ensured that assessment information is used as well to inform future learning.

Consequently, at times, pupils' learning does not always build on what they already know.

Leaders have prioritised reading across the school. There are new and engaging books for all pupils to read in classrooms and in the library.

Children in the early years and pupils in the rest of the school are well motivated to read. Leaders have introduced a new phonics curriculum. This ensures that there is a sharp focus on early reading.

They have invested in new books to match the sounds that pupils are learning. Pupils read often at home and in school. Those who require support to keep up with the curriculum are supported well.

Consequently, most pupils learn to read accurately and fluently during their time in school.

Pupils behave and conduct themselves exceptionally well. This begins in the early years where children learn to follow clear routines.

Pupils have high levels of respect for others. They also play an important role in creating an aspirational environment. Any disruption to pupils' learning is very rare.

Pupils are focused and motivated to achieve well.

Pupils contribute to the life of the school and the community. They learn how to be responsible and active citizens.

For example, there is a school and eco council. Pupils in the eco council organised a 'switch off fortnight' to encourage others to save electricity. Pupils understand fundamental British values and diversity.

They understand other cultures, faiths and beliefs. This means that pupils are tolerant and respectful and value the importance of everyone being treated equally.

Leaders ensure that all pupils are supported, including those with SEND.

They know pupils well and identify pupils' additional needs early. Staff support pupils with SEND effectively from the early years to Year 6. Additional support is provided where necessary.

As a result, pupils with SEND are supported to access the full curriculum.

Leaders and governors have a clear and ambitious vision for the school. They know the school well and have a detailed understanding of its strengths and areas for improvement.

Governors understand their roles and carry them out effectively. Staff feel supported by leaders because their workload and well-being are prioritised.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have ensured staff have the knowledge to identify pupils who may be at risk of harm. Leaders have implemented clear systems for staff to report their safeguarding concerns. Leaders act in a timely way to follow up any concerns.

They secure help for vulnerable pupils and families. Leaders work with different agencies to ensure pupils are supported appropriately.

Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe.

This includes when they are online. Pupils also learn how to stay safe outside of school and in the home. For example, they understand how to keep safe around strangers and how to cross the road safely.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a minority of subjects, curriculums are new and leaders have not checked how well these curriculums are being delivered. In these subjects, pupils are not able to apply what they know with as much fluency and independence as they do in other subjects. Leaders should ensure that teachers implement the intended curriculums in all subjects well so that pupils know more and remember more in all subjects.

• In some subjects, assessment strategies are not used well to check pupils' understanding. As a result, teachers do not identify gaps in pupils' knowledge or act swiftly to address these gaps. Leaders should ensure that staff are suitably trained to check pupils' learning across all of the subjects that they teach.

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