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This is a good school The principal and her team have successfully dealt with many long-standing issues which were holding the school back.
Leaders effectively promote pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development. Pupils are happy and well cared for. They are friendly, courteous and polite.
Pupils take pride in their work and their appearance. The school's effective off-site unit for pupils at risk of exclusion helps vulnerable pupils stay in education. These pupils achieve well.
Sixth-form teaching is strong. Students make good progress. They attain equally well on academic and vocational courses.
Leaders encourage studen...ts to aim high. More students now go on to university than in the past. Leaders' high aspirations have contributed to improvements in pupils' progress.
Current pupils are making strong progress. Pupils' attainment is rising but does not yet match the national average. Teachers' questioning is often skilful.
Excellent relationships between teachers and pupils support learning well. Occasionally teachers do not challenge the most able pupils with targeted questions to develop their learning further. Most teaching is very effective.
For example, teaching is now stronger in English, mathematics and geography. Pupils' progress in these subjects has improved. Teaching in some subjects, such as history and technology, is not yet consistent.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) make good progress. However, occasionally, teachers do not check that these pupils understand what they need to do in lessons. Leaders have developed an innovative curriculum.
This supports many pupils to achieve their potential. However, occasionally some of the most able pupils do not have enough opportunities tailored to their needs. Pupils' conduct in class and around the school is exemplary.
Leaders set very high standards for pupils' behaviour, which staff consistently enforce. The attendance of sixth-form students, disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND is low. Some disadvantaged boys do not make as much progress as they are capable of.
Despite recent improvements, the quality of their writing still varies too much.
Information about this school
The school is smaller than the average-sized secondary school. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils is well above average.
The proportion of pupils from White British backgrounds is above the national average. The school is sponsored by the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham Multi-Academy Trust. The trust provides a broad range of support to the school.
The trustees delegate some functions to the local governing body. Local governors make checks on the day-to-day running of the school, especially teaching, learning and assessment, and pupils' progress. The CEO of the MAT helps manage the relationship between trustees and local governors.
The school uses Hill Holt Wood, First Class Solutions and Fountaindale School for external alternative provision. The school has an off-site unit, MAPLE, which caters for up to 20 key stage 4 pupils. This facility is shared with Newark Academy.