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Pupils receive an excellent education at this school. They excel in the subjects they study and grow into confident, articulate individuals. Pupils come to this school knowing they are expected to do their very best.
Leaders have the highest academic expectations for all pupils. Pupils routinely take ownership of their learning. They often check their own work and that of others to make it even better.
Pupils expertly share what they know and remember from the topics they learn.
Pupils feel safe at school. They are exceptionally well cared for.
Bullying is extremely rare and dealt with promptly, if it does occur. Pupils' behaviour in classrooms and a...round the school is exemplary.
Pupils' artistic successes are displayed prominently in a central gallery for pupils, staff and visitors to view.
Pupils are rightly proud of what they can and do achieve.
Pupils are highly considerate of their own and others' right to education. As such, they are very respectful towards each other and the staff who work with them on a daily basis.
Parents and carers are incredibly supportive of the school. One parent comment reflected those of many when they wrote via the Ofsted Parent View survey, 'This is a great all-round school.'
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have developed a highly ambitious curriculum for all pupils.
They consider each pupil's needs and abilities. Leaders match the curriculum to these expertly. Leaders have comprehensively mapped the breadth of topics pupils learn about from Years 7 to 9 across the whole curriculum.
Most pupils in key stage 4 study a modern foreign language. All pupils study religious studies, and nearly all take this subject as a GCSE. A very high percentage of pupils study the English Baccalaureate subjects.
Leaders ensure that all pupils study a wide range of subjects. Pupils' subject learning is supported by an extensive out-of-lesson offer. For example, all Year 9 pupils take part in regular STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics) enrichment activities.
Teachers use their expert subject knowledge to plan and deliver activities in a logical order that helps pupils build on what they have learned before. They use probing and often very challenging questions to make sure pupils know and remember what has been taught. For example, in Year 7 religion and philosophy, pupils used specific subject terminology accurately to discuss and debate the question posed by their teacher, 'Does God really exist?' Furthermore, teachers use other, highly effective methods for checking that pupils are secure in the knowledge and skills they have been taught.
Pupils in Year 7 through to Year 13 learn the skills they need to identify their own gaps in knowledge. They often check their own work and rectify any gaps they have in their knowledge accurately.Pupils concentrate well and participate enthusiastically in lessons.
Year 13 English literature students were keen to debate the 'heroes and anti-heroes' of the book they were reading. Pupils blossom when teachers ask them to share their knowledge and skills.
Leaders have made sure that pupils receive an expansive range of opportunities to develop their spiritual and moral understanding.
The philosophical questions posed by teachers, such as 'Is there life after death?', alongside weekly tutor-led sessions on Fridays build pupils' spiritual and moral awareness very effectively. Pupils develop their social and cultural understanding incredibly well. For example, student representatives address equalities issues on behalf of the student body with school leaders.
More so, international trips such as a sixth-form trip to Germany help pupils develop their language skills and business acumen. Pupils have a high regard for, and understanding of life in modern Britain and beyond.
Trustees maintain a very secure overview of how well the school provides for every pupil.
They know the school's strengths incredibly well, yet they strive for even further improvement. Alongside the very effective executive leadership of the trust, leaders are collectively well placed to ensure the school goes from strength to strength.
Leaders have developed a highly inclusive sixth-form provision.
They support all students to achieve academic success. Students study a well-planned and ambitious curriculum that is supported by work experience opportunities and other well-considered non-subject activities. Students in the sixth form are exceptionally well prepared for their next steps.
Leaders have ensured that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive the very best personalised support, alongside the subjects they study. Teachers and other staff working with these pupils understand their needs well. They adapt the curriculum to ensure that pupils with SEND enjoy learning and are challenged to do as well as they can.
Pupils with SEND achieve exceptionally well.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders and staff have the skills and knowledge they need to recognise and respond to any concerns with a pupil's welfare and safety.
Leaders take appropriate actions quickly when needed.
Leaders work closely with other agencies to provide the necessary support for vulnerable pupils and their families. Leaders follow up concerns to satisfy themselves that the pupils' safety and welfare needs are being met.
Trustees fulfil their legal safeguarding duties. They make regular checks of the school systems to ensure they remain effective. Trust-wide safeguarding systems add an extra level of support and checking.