Malden Parochial CofE Primary School

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About Malden Parochial CofE Primary School

Name Malden Parochial CofE Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Lucy McMullan
Address The Manor Drive, Worcester Park, KT4 7LW
Phone Number 02083374804
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 223
Local Authority Kingston upon Thames
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils treat each other with kindness and respect. Older pupils form nurturing relationships with those in other years. Pupils in Year 6 play with and care for Reception year children at breaktimes.

In Year 5, selected pupils are lunchtime peer mediators and take pride in helping other pupils to sort out any disagreements.

Pupils behave exceptionally well in and out of lessons. Leaders have put in place appropriate systems to deal with any incidents of bullying, should they occur.

Pupils are safe in school and said that bullying does not happen.

Leaders expect pupils to achieve well. They provide support to help pupils to keep up.

As a resul...t, most pupils meet leaders' high expectations. Leaders design a curriculum to engage and interest pupils. They think carefully about the important knowledge that pupils need to know and remember in subjects.

Pupils take part in various wider opportunities such as trips and extra-curricular clubs. For instance, pupils spoke enthusiastically about taking part in sports competitions against other schools. Leaders work with external organisations to provide enrichment opportunities such as workshops linked to the curriculum.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils enjoy reading and sharing books. They gain appropriate knowledge and skills to become fluent readers. Teachers and teaching assistants receive training to teach phonics well.

They teach phonics as soon as children join the Nursery. Children read books matched to the sounds they are learning. Leaders and teachers regularly check what sounds children know.

Children who struggle to read receive extra support to help them keep up. The consistent approach to reading prepares children well for learning in Year 1.

The school curriculum is in line with the ambition of the national curriculum.

Leaders consider what they want pupils to learn in different subjects. They sequence knowledge and skills so that pupils build on what they learned before. For example, pupils in Year 6 said that learning about tourism in Year 4 helped them learn about international trade in Year 6.

However, sometimes, leaders do not consider carefully enough what knowledge pupils need to learn in the early years to be ready for Year 1.

Leaders and teachers check how well pupils learn. This involves teachers asking questions to check that pupils remember what they have learned before.

For example, in mathematics lessons, teachers check that pupils remember important knowledge about addition and subtraction, before attempting to solve more complex problems. Occasionally, teaching includes activities which do not make the most important knowledge clear. Where this occurs, pupils remember the activity but not the important knowledge.

Leaders are currently working with staff to address this.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive appropriate support to access the curriculum. Teachers and teaching assistants receive training so they can spot whether a pupil may have SEND.

Leaders provide additional training for some staff so they can provide tailored, specialist help if needed. Leaders, parents and carers meet to set targets and talk about how well pupils are learning. Leaders use external expertise to support pupils and parents where necessary.

This includes help from educational psychologists, occupational therapists and speech and language support.

There is a calm, orderly environment in the school. Pupils are highly attentive and motivated in lessons.

They know what is expected and consistently rise to meet these expectations. Learning in lessons is never disrupted. This is because all staff use consistent approaches to manage and support pupils' behaviour.

Pupils said they enjoy attending celebration assemblies because they receive rewards and prizes for their behaviour and achievements.

The personal, social, health education programme starts in the early years. Pupils are taught about healthy relationships and consent in an age-appropriate way.

The curriculum aims to teach pupils about different types of discrimination and bullying and why this is wrong. Pupils enjoy taking on additional responsibilities, for example becoming class monitors, class ambassadors, computer monitors, school council representatives or part of the faith team. Pupils use these forums to share their ideas, including agreeing on the charities they would like to support.

Governors receive training and support from experts within the local authority. As a result, they work well with leaders and ask the right questions. Governors check that leaders consider staff well-being and that staff workload is proportionate.

Staff are proud to work at the school and feel fully supported by leaders.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders carry out appropriate checks on staff before they take up a position in the school.

All staff receive training to help them recognise when a pupil may need help or support. Staff report concerns correctly and swiftly. Leaders work well with external organisations to safeguard pupils.

Leaders seek advice and access services to get the right help for pupils and their families.

From the early years upwards, pupils are taught about keeping safe and what they should do if they see anything inappropriate online. Pupils know which adults in school are responsible for safeguarding.

Pupils trust the school staff and said they feel confident to report any concerns.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Sometimes, teaching does not make clear to pupils what the important subject knowledge is that they need to know. As a result, some pupils recall the activities they have done, but do not remember the key knowledge that the curriculum intended them to learn.

Leaders and teachers should make sure that pupils are routinely clear what important knowledge they need to know and remember. ? Leaders do not make sure that learning in the early years prepares children equally well across all areas so that they are ready for Year 1. Leaders should continue with their plans to make sure that what children learn in the early years gives pupils the foundations they need for learning subject content in Year 1 and beyond.

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