Malmesbury School

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About Malmesbury School

Name Malmesbury School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Brett Jouny
Address Corn Gastons, Malmesbury, SN16 0DF
Phone Number 01666829700
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1438
Local Authority Wiltshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Malmesbury School believes that 'Happy + Caring = Excellent' and this underpins how the school supports pupils to achieve exceptionally well. Pupils, students in the sixth form and adults have warm relationships which reflect the respectful and aspirational culture.

Everyone shares a pride in this school.

The school has very high expectations for pupils' behaviour. On the rare occasion it falls below expectation, this is swiftly dealt with by adults.

They ensure that pupils understand why a behaviour was not acceptable so that it is not repeated. The school does not tolerate any form of bullying. Pupils are confident to report concerns, knowing that adults wi...ll act.

Anti-bullying ambassadors and peer mentors help other pupils to understand the importance of tolerance. As a result, pupils feel safe in school and attend well.

Pupils are keen to take on leadership roles.

For example, pupils are enthusiastic about hosting fundraising events for charities, organising remembrance events and campaigning on local issues. The sixth-form advocacy programme enables students to lead on key events, acting as role models for younger pupils. The school actively contributes to local festivals and celebrations.

This develops pupils' cultural understanding and nurtures their talents and interests.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has planned a highly ambitious curriculum. Pupils' knowledge and understanding build so that they achieve exceptionally well, particularly in the sixth form.

Pupils learn what is distinctive about each subject, including the vocabulary used within it. For example, pupils understand the principles of scientific enquiry and can use these in their own investigations. The school provides opportunities to extend pupils' understanding and celebrate their achievements.

Local galleries display students' artwork, pupils perform music publicly and guest speakers regularly visit the school. Pupils are proud of their work and are keen to share it with others.

The school prioritises supporting disadvantaged pupils with their individual needs.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are swiftly identified. They receive the support they need to learn the curriculum as well as their peers. While all students study a broad academic curriculum, some individuals also complete a non-examined vocational course, for example in construction or land-based skills.

These help to prepare pupils for their next steps. 'The Bungalow' supports individual pupils with their attendance and engagement with school. This bespoke intervention helps pupils to complete their qualifications successfully.

Reading is a priority for Malmesbury School. Pupils and students in the sixth form read on a regular basis during tutor time. The texts have been carefully chosen for interest and cultural significance.

Students particularly enjoy the opportunity to read widely around their subject areas. Teachers support them to engage with the subject texts and academic debate that they will encounter at university. The school quickly identifies pupils who find reading challenging.

Adults provide these pupils with the support they need to rapidly build their accuracy, fluency and confidence.

The 'iLearn' curriculum covers personal, social and health education. It has been well planned to prepare pupils for adult life.

Pupils know how to keep themselves safe, including online. The school encourages pupils to look after their own physical and mental health. Relationships and sex education is age appropriate.

It focuses on developing pupils' understanding of healthy, consenting relationships. Pupils learn about fundamental British values and consider their own role as active citizens in modern Britain. Pupils develop their own character through a range of opportunities both within the school day and in extra-curricular activities.

A vibrant house system and student council give pupils the chance to share their views. They feel listened to and able to make the school even better.

Sixth-form students explore their wider interests through the 'excellence' programme.

They can study qualifications such as Teaching English as a Foreign Language or the extended project qualification. Students take part in employer sponsored engineering projects, mentoring and work shadowing. Clubs such as those for Latin, art, music and sport all provide further enrichment.

The school has a comprehensive careers programme which is a model of excellence for the local careers hub. The school engages with local employers to provide all year groups with meaningful experiences of the world of work. The annual careers fair is a particular highlight remembered by pupils.

Sixth-form students are exceptionally well supported to consider their future options. A personalised mentoring programme supports applications for employment, apprenticeships and higher education.

Leaders at all levels share the trust's vision for an outstanding education.

The school is very well supported by the trust. Staff receive comprehensive training, networking opportunities and specialist guidance. They are supported with their workload so that they are highly effective in their roles.

Governors, trustees and executive leaders challenge the school to be the very best that it can be. The needs of children are at the heart of this school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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