Maltby Lilly Hall Academy

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About Maltby Lilly Hall Academy

Name Maltby Lilly Hall Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mr Richard Pease
Address Cliff Hill, Maltby, Rotherham, S66 8AU
Phone Number 01709812148
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 418
Local Authority Rotherham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy at Maltby Lilly Hall Academy. They enjoy coming to school.

Inspectors saw a calm and caring environment, where pupils focus well in classrooms whilst encouraging and supporting others. This, in part, is due to the high expectations of leaders. Pupils respect each other and their teachers.

One pupil, whose comment was typical of others, told an inspector, 'It's good at this school. We all get along well together, we are all treated equally, and we get lots of opportunities.'

Pupils learn to keep themselves safe, for example when using the internet or playing outside.

Pupils spoken to demonstrated mature, focused attitudes about impor...tant issues such as 'stranger danger'. Pupils say that bullying very rarely happens, but know what to do if it did.

Pupils benefit from lots of opportunities to develop a strong understanding of their local community.

As COVID-19 (coronavirus) restrictions begin to relax, pupils are once again able to enjoy school trips. These include visits to the theatre, Bamburgh castle, Creswell Crags and The National Holocaust Centre and Museum as part of the wider curriculum. The local secondary academy supports pupils' sporting endeavours through the joint teaching of physical education (PE) and the provision of a number of out-of-school activities.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have designed an ambitious and well-sequenced curriculum. Leaders help teachers to lead subjects effectively. The curriculum lead has introduced new ways of planning the curriculum and its delivery.

These help teachers design and teach lessons which successfully build on pupils' prior knowledge. In some subjects, such as science, teachers expertly deliver the curriculum. Pupils talk with confidence about their learning, answer questions well and use scientific vocabulary accurately.

Some of the school's newly redesigned curriculum plans, such as art, are in their infancy. These documents give teachers clear guidance as to what knowledge they expect pupils to retain, and how this develops step by step. Subject leaders are developing programmes of staff training.

Their aim is that this will further increase teacher confidence and their ambition of what pupils can achieve.

Reading is a priority; it is led with passion and determination. Pupils experience ambitious expectations and achieve well.

Books are generally well matched to pupils' needs; pupils then practise this new knowledge when reading in school and at home. This strengthens their ability to read with confidence. There is a clear programme to support pupils that may have fallen behind with reading.

Teachers check how well pupils are doing in their reading and support pupils to catch up and keep up. Most recently, due to recent lockdowns, leaders' opportunity to monitor phonics and the reading curriculum has been limited.The support for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) has been variable.

The leadership of SEND has seen instability. As a result, there have been inconsistencies in this aspect of the school's work. Most pupils are supported by effective and well-trained staff; their individual plans are tailored to their needs, enabling them to make progress.

However, this is not always the case. The recently appointed special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) has a clear vision and ambitious plans for development.

The early years leader is an experienced practitioner who has an accurate view of the strengths of the provision.

There is a desire to continually reflect and improve. The leader has a clear understanding of the new learning requirements of the early years. Staff who work in this area of school have been well trained.

Due to recent lockdowns, some reception-aged children lack some fundamental early stepping stones of knowledge. The early years leader is ensuring that these gaps are promptly identified and closed. She is clear about what needs to be delivered and has the support of senior leaders to bring this about at pace.

Pupils report that instances of bullying are extremely rare, and those that do occur are resolved. This was confirmed by the school's records of bullying and racist or derogatory language. Pupils are confident that there are systems in place that deal quickly with any concerns that they have.

Trips, personal, social, and health education, and the relationships and sex education curriculum strongly promote pupils' understanding of equalities and tolerance. Pupils are particularly tolerant of the views and opinions of others and know why this is an important part of being prepared for life in modern Britain.

Leaders and governors are ambitious.

They work well, in partnership with trust members of staff, to provide a positive experience for all pupils. Governors have a strong understanding of the strengths and areas for improvement for their school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Safeguarding is a priority. There is a dedicated team, which includes the designated safeguarding leads and the safeguarding and pastoral manager. This team is instrumental in supporting the school community to identify and help pupils and families.

Leaders provide staff with effective training, and frequent updates, so that they know the potential signs of risk and how to report concerns. Leaders keep detailed records of any concerns and have effective links with external agencies such as early help and children's social care teams. Leaders ensure that there are many opportunities in the curriculum for pupils to understand the risks that they may face.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• There is some inconsistency in how pupils with SEND are supported. There has been instability in the leadership of SEND and not all staff are consistently well trained in this area. A few plans are not precisely matched to pupils' needs.

Leaders must ensure that all pupils with SEND have their needs met and that improvements continue to have a positive impact. ? Some children have gaps in their knowledge. Leaders must ensure that the early years curriculum gives all children the opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge securely and sequentially.

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