Manby Lodge Infant School

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About Manby Lodge Infant School

Name Manby Lodge Infant School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Miriam Morris
Address Princes Road, Weybridge, KT13 9DA
Phone Number 01932851848
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 5-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 268
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Main findings

Manby Lodge is a good school, where leaders, the staff team and governing body succeed in fulfilling their vision to provide a caring community in which pupils are happy, confident and successful learners.

It is much appreciated by parents and carers. One wrote 'Manby Lodge is an excellent school, my child's experience here has been extremely positive.' Effective organisation enables children to make good progress in the Early Years Foundation Stage.

However, the school is aware of the need to consolidate the existing range of methods being used to establish children's level of development as they start school in order to enhance the progress for all pupils across all aspects. Although there ...are variations, the quality of teaching is good overall. The good teaching is underpinned by excellent relationships between adults and pupils.

Although pupils' progress is tracked and assessment systems are good overall, at times, the information is not used well enough to ensure that writing activities match the ability of individuals and groups, particularly the more-able. As a result, pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities and those from different minority ethnic groups, generally, attain standards at the end of Year 2 which are significantly above average in reading and mathematics, but broadly average in writing. The school has rightly identified the need to improve feedback to pupils about their writing, so that they understand how well they are getting on and what they need to do to improve.

Lessons are planned to make sure that all pupils enjoy learning. The good curriculum is enhanced by well-attended extra-curricular activities and educational visits that contribute well to pupils' personal and academic development. Very strong partnerships with other schools have enhanced sporting opportunities and enabled pupils to work on projects related to moral and social issues.

The school places great importance on its 'Values Curriculum' and a different value is explored monthly in each class, such as 'respect' or 'happiness'. As a result, pupils' behaviour is good and contributes to the purposeful atmosphere in lessons and around the school. The school is very successful in engaging parents and carers, the overwhelming majority of whom hold the school in high regard.

Pupils feel extremely safe at school and parents and carers appreciate the good care, guidance and support their children receive within the school's caring environment. Typical comments from parents and carers included, 'Manby Lodge is a nurturing school where all the staff know the children well' and 'My children have developed really well here'. Close relationships with support agencies help staff to meet the needs of pupils who require specialist help, such as speech and language or behaviour support.

The higher-than-average number of pupils who join the school other than at the usual time are helped to settle down well through the caring support they receive and they make the same good progress as their peers. Leadership and management are good. The governing body is very committed to the further improvement of the school.

It supports the headteacher well in determining the school's strategic direction. The school does much to promote its place in the local community and works effectively with the pre-schools, playgroups, and local businesses. Its audit of community cohesion, undertaken by the governing body and staff, is underpinned by a careful analysis of the school's context.

The headteacher, in close partnership with the deputy headteacher, plays a pivotal role in establishing a common vision among the staff to build on current success and drive improvement. Very good progress has been made, for example, in improving the provision, leadership and management and outcomes of the Early Years Foundation Stage. Sustained well-above average standards in reading and mathematics and robust action planning to improve standards in writing demonstrate a good capacity to improve.

Information about the school

Manby Lodge Infant School is smaller than the average-size infant school, although pupil numbers have varied considerably over the last three years. The proportion of pupils who join or leave partway through the year is above average. There are now two full-time Reception classes, three Year 1 classes and three Year 2 classes.

Pupils come from predominantly White British and Other White backgrounds, though the proportion of pupils from minority ethnic backgrounds is well-above average. At present, 13 children are in the early stages of learning English. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for free school meals is below average.

There are fewer-than-average numbers of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities; the largest group of these pupils are on the autistic spectrum. The school has gained the Healthy School and Artsmark awards.The before-school club and holiday childcare scheme are not managed by the governing body and, therefore, did not form part of this inspection.

Also at this postcode
KOOSA Kids Breakfast, After School and Holiday Club at Manby Lodge Infant School, Weybridge

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