Mandeville School

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About Mandeville School

Name Mandeville School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Denise Feasey
Address Horsenden Lane North, Greenford, Middlesex, UB6 0PA
Phone Number 02088644921
Phase Special
Type Community special school
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 173
Local Authority Ealing
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Key findings

This is an outstanding school, a view which is endorsed by most parents and carers.

A trend of continuous improvement has been maintained since the previous inspection, at which the school was also judged to be outstanding. Pupils' achievement is outstanding. Staff have very high expectations and pupils are constantly encouraged to succeed.

They make outstanding progress from exceptionally low starting points because work is extremely well matched to individual needs and pupils develop very positive attitudes to learning. The outstanding teaching is characterised by highly organised teamwork, careful planning based on thorough and methodical assessments, and continuous monitoring. As a result,... pupils make immense progress over time against the targets set for them.

Very experienced, dedicated and knowledgeable teaching assistants help pupils to succeed, even where they have significant barriers for learning. Despite this, their expertise is not always as fully utilised as it could be in supporting teaching and recording pupil progress. Pupils' typical behaviour is exemplary, reflecting a community atmosphere strongly underpinned by a philosophy of mutual respect.

They have very positive attitudes to learning. Potentially challenging behaviour is dealt with highly effectively within a very safe and secure environment. Pupils are helped to show if they feel unsafe or worried through eye contact, signalling, touching, or showing a diagram of the issue concerning them.

Outstanding leadership underpins the success of this school. The determination to maintain excellence is shared by staff at all levels. Senior leaders use a wide range of strategies to maximise teachers' effectiveness and to support professional development through performance management.

The curriculum is constantly under review to ensure that it meets the continually changing needs of pupils. Pupils' social, moral, spiritual and cultural development is promoted highly effectively throughout the school.

Information about the school

Mandeville is an average-sized special school, which caters for pupils with severe learning difficulties and profound and multiple learning difficulties.

A significant number have additional needs identified on the autistic spectrum, some with challenging behaviours and others with additional physical disabilities and complex medical conditions. The complexity of the needs of those entering the school is increasing. The Early Years Foundation Stage comprises both Nursery and Reception aged children.

Every pupil has a statement of special educational needs. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for free school meals, and of those who speak English as an additional language is well above the national average. Some are at the early stages of learning English.

Pupils are based in mixed-age classes, most coming from within the London Borough of Ealing. The school is an accredited Asthma Friendly School, and holds the Sustainable Travel and Healthy School awards. Since the previous inspection, there have been a number of changes in senior management, and a new headteacher was appointed in 2011.

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