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Manford Primary School is a happy and caring learning community, where all pupils feel valued.
Pupils are kind and considerate to each other. Behaviour is good. Pupils know that staff will listen to their concerns.
They are safe and well cared for. Pupils are not worried about bullying. They say it rarely happens and, if it does, it is dealt with quickly.
Pupils achieve well because of the high expectations staff have of them. They are encouraged to follow the school's motto of 'Believe in Yourself'. Pupils enjoy performing plays and singing for parents.
More recently, pupils have been following a livestream of ducklings hatching. They delight in loo...king after the ducklings and are full of awe about new life being created.
All pupils are members of the school council and have an active voice in school decision-making.
For example, pupils encourage everyone to recycle more waste materials both at home and at school. Pupils take on other responsibilities to help prepare for their future. These roles include school ambassadors, eco warriors, presentation partners and fundraising team members.
Pupils take pride in their work and achievements. Parents report that all staff are approachable and supportive.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have designed an exciting and ambitious curriculum to meet the needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
Each subject has a clear sequence of learning to help pupils reflect and build on previous knowledge. Pupils have regular opportunities to practise and rehearse key skills. This helps pupils understand new learning and remember for the long term.
Leaders have identified the gaps in pupils' learning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Teachers adapt planning to make sure pupils who have fallen behind catch up quickly.
Teachers have strong subject knowledge in English, mathematics and science.
However, some are less confident in history and geography. As a result, pupils do not develop their learning as deeply in these areas as they do in other subjects.
Children in the early years learn to read as soon as they start school.
They are surrounded by much-loved books and enjoy being read to. Children talk confidently about their favourite books. They retell traditional tales and recount events in familiar stories, such as The Three Little Pigs and The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
Pupils read books that closely match the sounds they have learned. Phonics is taught well and children develop a wide range of strategies to support their reading. They quickly move into reading fluently.
Any pupil who falls behind is given additional help to catch up. However, opportunities to apply their phonic sounds within their independent writing are limited and not as well planned as the reading programme of study.
Pupils continue to access a wide range of ambitious and challenging reading choices in Years 3 to 6.
Teachers focus on developing pupils' vocabulary. Pupils have regular opportunities to retrieve information from the texts they read and to summarise and explain the meaning.
The mathematics curriculum has a clear structure and is taught well.
Children in the early years have regular opportunities to develop their skills in counting. They are confident in their knowledge of number bonds to ten and in describing shapes. Older pupils have regular opportunities to apply their mathematical skills through reasoning and problem solving.
Pupils enjoy mathematical challenges and are increasingly skilful in their calculations. They have quick recall of number facts and can apply these across subjects.
Pupils speak knowledgeably about pollution and its impact on climate change.
All pupils have opportunities to visit Hainault Forest. Pupils have developed a strong understanding of the need to conserve and protect the natural environment. They understand the need to keep themselves healthy through sensible diet and exercise.
Pupils are offered a wide range of opportunities to support their personal development. For example, leaders provide extra-curricular activities such as sports, bike safety, the choir, orchestra ensemble and science clubs. Pupils also have a weekly opportunity to work alongside the police as police cadets.
Teachers work with a visiting music specialist to support composition and performance. Leaders emphasise respecting rights of others through responsible citizenship. Pupils develop strong general knowledge of the world around them through visits to museums, galleries and local places of interest.
They are well prepared for life in modern Britain.
Governors have a strong skill set and are highly effective in presenting challenge and support to school leaders. The headteacher and governing body have been successful in raising ambition and expectations across the school.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders have developed a strong culture of safeguarding across the school. All staff are well trained and vigilant to potential risks.
Leaders make sure staff receive regular update training. All staff know how to report concerns. Leaders work closely with external agencies to ensure that vulnerable families are well supported.
Pupils learn about positive relationships, online safety and how to keep safe in the wider community. Leaders have placed a worry box in each classroom to support pupil mental health and well-being. Pupils are safe and know they can talk to a trusted adult.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Leaders have developed a well-sequenced and ambitious curriculum. However, not all staff are confident in delivering this across every subject. This means that some pupils are not effectively supported to build on previous learning.
Leaders need to ensure that all teachers have the skills and knowledge to deliver the programmes of study. This will help pupils to know and remember more across the curriculum. ? The curriculum in the early years provides opportunities to develop personal, social, physical and communication skills.
However, children have limited opportunities to develop or apply their phonics knowledge within independent writing. This means some children lack confidence to write and develop the skills needed for Year 1. Leaders need to ensure that early writing matches the high expectations that leaders have set for early reading.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.