Manley Park Primary School

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About Manley Park Primary School

Name Manley Park Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Sarah-Jane Henderson
Address College Road, Whalley Range, Manchester, M16 0AA
Phone Number 01618813808
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 427
Local Authority Manchester
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils told inspectors that they feel privileged to attend this exceptional school.

They benefit from the remarkable range of opportunities that the school provides, which begins in the early years. Pupils explained that they quickly grow in confidence, especially if they have recently arrived from another country.

Pupils are passionate advocates for equality.

They respect people's differences. Pupils are skilled at supporting each other, including in providing encouragement and translation for pupils who speak English as an additional language.

The school sets an extremely high bar for pupils' academic achievement.

It makes sure that pupils..., particularly those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), receive the support that they need. As a result, pupils achieve exceptionally well.

Pupils eagerly respond to the school's aspirations for them.

They rarely need reminding to do their best. Pupils' behaviour is impeccable in class, during social times and as they move around the school.

Pupils value the exciting and carefully designed activities that the school provides to support their physical and mental well-being.

For example, prefects and play leaders make sure that everyone enjoys and gets the most out of breaktimes. The support that these pupils provide helps other pupils to feel safe and happy at school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school provides an exceptionally well thought-out and highly ambitious curriculum.

The curriculum defines clearly what pupils need to learn across all subjects as they progress through the school. As a result, teachers know exactly what to focus on with their class. In turn, they make sure that pupils do not become overwhelmed by what they need to remember.

This is particularly important if pupils have SEND or speak English as an additional language.

There is a high degree of consistency across the school. For example, teachers regularly check that pupils have a secure understanding of their learning.

They also support pupils to recall and build on what they have already learned, including in reading. Pupils achieve this with impressive ease. This helps them to fully embrace new learning.

Year 6 pupils' attainment in the 2023 national assessments demonstrated particular success in some subjects, including in mathematics. However, pupils' current achievement demonstrates high levels of success across all aspects of the curriculum. Pupils have a remarkably wide range of secure knowledge.

They are extremely well prepared for their next stages of education.

A number of children in the early years, and a number of pupils in key stages 1 and 2, are at the very early stages of learning English when they join the school. They benefit from the support of highly skilled staff.

These pupils settle quickly and begin to strengthen their understanding of English from the outset.

The school has firmly placed reading at the heart of the curriculum. Pupils benefit from exposure to the well-considered contemporary and classic literature that they explore with their teachers.

Through reading widely and often, pupils' knowledge of the wider world expands. The books that they read in class often inspire them to try books that they may not have considered previously. Most pupils become avid readers in key stage 2.

Children begin to learn to read in the early years. The well-loved songs, rhymes and stories that children learn in the Nursery Year provide a firm foundation for accessing the school's phonics programme. By the end of the Reception Year, children's understanding of how to read words using their phonics knowledge is impressive.

Pupils benefit from practising their reading with books that match the sounds that they know. As a result, most become fluent and accurate readers by the end of key stage 1. Pupils who need extra help with their reading benefit from the support of skilled and well-trained staff.

The school makes sure that teachers know how to accurately identify and meet the additional needs of pupils, including those with SEND. As a result, pupils with SEND achieve extremely well from their differing starting points.

Pupils typically attend well.

They demonstrate extremely positive attitudes to learning. The school provides highly effective support to pupils whose attendance is a concern. These pupils' attendance shows a marked improvement as a result of the carefully thought-out support that they receive.

This enables these pupils to benefit from all that the school has to offer.

The exciting and unique activities provided by the school inspire pupils to develop new skills and interests. The school ensures that all pupils find a talent where they can shine.

Pupils proudly shared their many achievements with inspectors. These included becoming confident enough to travel to school on a bicycle, developing stamina in activities such as long-distance running, learning to play an instrument, maintaining the outdoor wooded area or becoming a digital leader. These, and other activities, help pupils to confidently embrace new opportunities open to them as they become older.

Governance is strong. As well as providing clear strategic direction, governors ensure that staff's workload is not affected by school improvement work.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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