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Manor Church of England Academy is a school where all staff have high expectations of their pupils. The religious ethos of the school runs through all of its work. School leaders have a clear vision for the school.
They have ensured that the curriculum is ambitious. Staff are keen to do their best for every pupil. More pupils now go on to study A levels and to further education than in the past.
The vast majority of pupils behave well in lessons and around school. Little learning time is lost. Most pupils get along well with each other.
When pupils report bullying, staff act quickly to sort out any issues. There is support for pupils to make better choices in... the future if they do misbehave.
Most pupils attend well.
They report that they feel safe in school and enjoy taking part in a range of enrichment activities. There are opportunities for pupils to develop leadership skills. Some take part in the 'young leaders' award, while others coach younger pupils as part of their sports leaders' role.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have developed a challenging curriculum for all pupils. Subject leaders have identified the important knowledge that they want pupils to know and remember. Teachers use a range of strategies to check that pupils have learned this knowledge.
In many subjects, teachers regularly revisit key concepts that pupils have been taught before. Where this happens consistently, pupils remember what they have learned.
Many pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive effective support to help them to achieve well.
In most cases, teachers adapt their approach so that pupils with SEND can access the curriculum successfully. However, a few support plans do not have sufficiently detailed information about the best ways to support pupils. On occasion, the planned support in lessons for these pupils is not as effective as it could be.
Pupils at the early stages of learning to read are identified on entry to the school. Those who need additional help to read fluently are supported by trained staff. As a result, these pupils quickly learn to read.
Most pupils behave well in classrooms and around school. They enjoy talking with their friends at social times. Leaders analyse behaviour information carefully.
There are a few pupils who do not behave consistently well, including using derogatory language towards others. On a few occasions, this poor behaviour can sometimes disrupt lessons. Some teachers do not consistently address this.
Pupils have a strong understanding of different faiths. They know how to keep themselves safe, including online. Pupils enjoy the supplementary personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) enrichment days.
However, some pupils cannot consistently recall some of the important information from these events. Leaders have plans in place to change their approach to the delivery of the PSHE curriculum to better support pupils to remember this important knowledge.
There is a diverse and comprehensive enrichment programme.
Leaders use participation data, along with pupil voice, to develop and expand the programme. Pupils in key stage 4 are well supported by an independent careers advisor. This helps them to be well prepared for their next steps.
However, pupils across the school do not consistently learn about the world of work through the taught curriculum.
Trustees and governors know and understand the school. They have sought advice and support to help to improve the school.
School leaders provide clear information and accurate analysis for governors. Governors hold leaders to account and check that decisions made are in the best interests of the pupils.
Staff new to the school receive strong support from school leaders.
The continual professional development provided by the school is effective. Leaders consider staff's workload and well-being. Staff value the changes that have been put in place to support them with this.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
The systems in place for helping to keep pupils safe are robust. All staff undertake regular safeguarding training.
They know the signs that suggest a pupil may be at risk of harm. Staff are swift to report any concerns.School leaders have built up effective relationships with the local support agencies.
If making a referral, school leaders are diligent and thorough in following it up. They make sure that a pupil receives the support that they need.Pupils learn about different safeguarding risks and how to report concerns.
This includes how to stay safe online and drug awareness. School leaders are aware of the local safeguarding risks. They adapt the curriculum to make sure that pupils know about these hazards.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• A few staff do not apply the school's behaviour policy consistently. A small number of pupils occasionally disrupt learning in some lessons or use inappropriate language. Leaders should ensure that all staff apply a consistent approach to managing pupils' behaviour.
Some support plans for pupils with SEND do not identify information about pupils' needs precisely enough. Consequently, some staff do not consistently provide the support that these pupils need to ensure they can access the curriculum. Leaders should ensure that all support plans clearly identify the strategies needed so that adults can provide effective support for pupils with SEND.