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This is a good school which prepares pupils well for the next stage of their education.
The headteacher and her dedicated staff have created a caring environment in the school in which pupils are valued as individuals. Pupils enjoy school, achieve well and say that they feel well looked after. One pupil commented, 'I like school because it is fun and teachers make sure you are safe.'
Parents and carers are very positive in their views of the school and appreciate the good level of care it provides for pupils. One commented, 'My son loves going to school because he is treated as an individual.' Another stated, 'I am very happy indeed with the good level of support my child receives.'
...> The school is well led by a dedicated and effective headteacher who provides a clear vision for improvement and has high expectations of what pupils are capable of achieving. She has worked well with her staff and governing body to ensure the school has successfully raised its effectiveness since the previous inspection by regularly checking and accurately measuring its performance in order to improve its practice. Staff are enthusiastic and work well as a team to ensure the school reaches the challenging targets it sets itself.
This positive approach has led to a marked improvement in pupils' progress and attainment. It is also a clear indication of the school's good capacity for sustained improvement. Children make good progress in their Reception Year because of consistently good teaching.
Pupils continue to achieve well and make good progress throughout the rest of the school because teaching caters well for their needs. However, the more-able pupils do not always make the progress they are capable of as teachers and teaching assistants tend to concentrate in lessons on helping pupils who struggle and need support to cope at all with their learning. Even so, inspection evidence, supported by school data, confirm that, by Year 2, pupils' attainment is average overall, although it is better in reading and writing than mathematics.
The school provides a consistently good level of care, guidance and support for pupils. Health and well-being are securely safeguarded and child protection procedures are good. Systems for monitoring pupils' progress are used very effectively to provide pupils with the guidance and support they need to become confident and independent learners.
Pupils are keen to talk about what they like about school, especially the good range of popular extra-curricular activities. However, they have little experience of the multicultural nature of society in the United Kingdom. They find joining in conversations about this difficult through lack of understanding, and this remains a gap in their learning.
Information about the school
This is an average-size infant school. Most pupils are of White British heritage; few speak English as an additional language. The proportion of pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities is above average.
Most of this group of pupils have moderate learning difficulties; a few have speech, language and communication needs. The proportion of pupils with statements of special educational needs is also above average. There is Early Years Foundation Stage provision in the school's two Reception Year classes.
The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for free school meals is above the national average. The school has gained several awards, including the Rights Respecting School award. There is on-site pre-school provision not managed by the governing body and subject to a separate inspection.