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Pupils are happy and enjoy learning at this school.
The school has high expectations of what pupils can achieve. Most pupils achieve well. As one parent, typical of many, commented, 'My children are extremely happy at school and are thriving.'
The school's values of 'be kind, be curious and be my best' underpin all that the school does. These support pupils in understanding how they should behave and learn. Pupils enjoy being rewarded for demonstrating these values.
Most pupils have excellent attitudes to learning.
There are positive relationships between staff and pupils. Pupils know they have staff they can talk to if they have any conce...rns.
Children in the early years foundation stage (EYFS) learn in a secure and nurturing environment.
Pupils have many opportunities to develop their talents and interests. They enjoy attending choir, as well as languages, knitting and sports clubs.
Pupils relish taking on leadership responsibilities at school. They are proud to be food ambassadors, play detectives, diversity champions, house captains and on the school council. The school also organises trips and visits that enhance the curriculum.
For example, children in the Reception Year recently enjoyed a trip on a vintage bus to learn about the local area.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has designed a curriculum that is broad and ambitious. It is clear what knowledge, skills and vocabulary pupils will learn from Nursery onwards.
This helps teachers to deliver the curriculum effectively. Teachers present information clearly. The resources and learning activities that teachers use are effective in helping pupils to build on their learning.
Teachers check what pupils know and develop pupils' understanding from their starting points. They give clear feedback that helps pupils improve their work.
Teachers have high expectations of the work that pupils produce.
They model these high expectations well. This is particularly the case with pupils' writing. As a result, by the end of key stage 2, pupils can use increasingly complex and interesting vocabulary in their writing.
In other subjects, most pupils produce high-quality work. In the EYFS, there is a strong focus on developing children's communication skills. Staff skilfully teach children new words through stories, rhymes and poems.
Children in the EYFS are prepared well for key stage 1.
The school has prioritised reading. It has ensured that staff are trained to deliver the phonics programme effectively.
Throughout the school day, staff ensure that pupils have opportunities to revisit the sounds they have learned. Pupils read books that are matched well to the sounds that they know. This helps them to develop their reading fluency.
The school quickly identifies pupils who need extra help with their reading. These pupils are supported well. This means that most pupils develop the knowledge and skills they need to read accurately and fluently.
The school accurately identifies any additional needs that pupils may have. Teachers ensure that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities get the support they need. This helps these pupils to access the curriculum and achieve well.
Staff in the EYFS provide children with effective support to ensure that they develop securely in all areas of learning.
The school has high expectations of how pupils should behave. The school's rules of 'be ready, be respectful and be safe' help pupils understand what is expected of them.
There are clear routines that most pupils follow. Children in Nursery and Reception quickly develop the social skills they need to learn and play well together. However, in some classes, teachers have not ensured that classroom routines are well established.
As a result, some pupils do not settle down to learning promptly. This means that they do not learn as well as they could. At playtimes and lunchtimes, pupils enjoy taking part in activities together.
However, some pupils do not behave sensibly at these times. Sometimes they do not use play equipment appropriately.
The school has developed a well-designed programme for pupils' personal development.
It provides opportunities for pupils to build their resilience. Pupils have an impressive understanding of fundamental British values and equality. They understand how to keep themselves safe online and in the community.
The school teaches pupils about different religions and cultures, healthy lifestyles, relationships and mental health. Pupils are prepared well for life in modern Britain.
The school is led and managed well.
Staff appreciate how leaders consider their workload and well-being. Staff are proud to work at the school. Leaders provide training that helps staff to deliver the curriculum effectively.
Governors know the school well. They provide effective support and challenge.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In a minority of classes, teachers have not ensured that classroom routines are well established. This means that some pupils do not settle down to learning promptly and, as a result, they do not learn as well as they could. The school should ensure that teachers establish clear routines that pupils understand so they learn in an orderly and calm environment.
• Some pupils do not behave sensibly at playtimes or lunchtimes. They do not use play equipment sensibly. The school should ensure that pupils understand the expectations of how they should behave and use the play equipment at these times.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.