Mapplewell Primary School

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About Mapplewell Primary School

Name Mapplewell Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Gail Padfield
Address Greenside Avenue, Staincross, Barnsley, S75 6BB
Phone Number 01226381273
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 347
Local Authority Barnsley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils at Mapplewell Primary School are proud of their school and work hard to uphold the school's values. Pupils enjoy receiving 'Mapplewell Points' to reward good behaviour. Pupils attend school regularly.

They want to attend school because they enjoy learning new things and being with their friends. The school has high expectations for every pupil, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils achieve well, both academically and in their personal development.

The school's values encourage pupils to think about the impact of their actions on other people. This supports them to consider their role as citizens within the local and community. Following an initial idea by a pupil at the school, pupils raised funds to support a nearby hospital.

Reading Ambassadors help younger pupils with their reading and maintain the school's attractive library. Pupils appreciate the many opportunities the school offers. The wide range of extra-curricular clubs offered, including coding, art and singing, develops pupils' interests, skills and talents.

Pupils feel safe and are kept safe. Pupils know that it is important to tell a trusted adult if they have a concern or worry. They are confident that staff will help them straight away if they did.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The early years is a strength of the school and children make a very strong start to their education. Leaders make sure children's time in the early years prepares them extremely well for Year 1. Children learn early mathematical concepts and apply this knowledge in a range of practical contexts in the classroom and outside areas.

Children begin to learn to read as soon as they start school. Staff take every opportunity to develop children's language skills. Highly effective provision means that children learn the vocabulary and core knowledge they need to be successful as they move on.

The school has developed a high-quality curriculum. Teachers ensure that what is taught takes into account the needs and interests of the pupils. Leaders have sequenced the knowledge and skills taught to ensure they are built on each year.

Teachers use a range of strategies to help pupils learn. 'Fast four' exercises at the beginning of lessons help pupils remember the most important knowledge. As pupils progress through school, they use their knowledge to help them learn more.

For example, Year 6 pupils' work on Gandhi's life is built on what they had learned about him in Year 3.

The school has placed a high priority on the development of reading and extending pupils' vocabulary. Staff consistently teach the school's phonics programme.

Most pupils read books that are matched well to their phonics knowledge. The school ensures that pupils who need extra help receive it quickly. Pupils use a range of strategies to read new words with increasing confidence.

As pupils progress through the school, they read with increasing fluency and accuracy. The school promotes pupils' love of reading effectively through regular story time, attractive displays and an engaging library.Pupils with SEND are well supported by skilled and caring adults.

Teachers carefully adapt teaching to help them access the same curriculum as their peers. Leaders work closely with these pupils' families and external agencies to decide how best to support them.Staff often check how well pupils are learning.

They have a good understanding of what pupils know and can do. However, this information is not used routinely to identify if any further curriculum improvements might be made. This means that opportunities to further raise standards or improve the school's provision even further can be missed.

The school prepares pupils well for their future lives. Visits to places of interest, including a coal mining museum and a football stadium, and visitors to school enrich the curriculum and develop pupils' experience of the world. Many pupils participate in the extra-curricular activities available.

Pupils learn how to keep themselves healthy and safe and treat others with tolerance and respect.The school has implemented a behaviour policy that rewards good behaviour. Children in the early years learn to share and take turns.

Pupils generally behave well in lessons. During unstructured times, some pupils need reminders to manage their behaviour so that it does not become overly competitive.Parents and carers acknowledge and appreciate how well the school supports their children and families.

However, a small number of parents say that the ways in which the school communicates with them could be improved.Leaders at all levels support staff's professional development. Staff benefit from strategies taken by the school to reduce their workload.

This includes opportunities to share planning and use centralised resources. The skilled and dedicated staff are proud to work at the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The school does not routinely check that the actions it takes to improve the school are having the intended impact. This means that opportunities are missed to further raise standards or improve some aspects of the school's provision. The school should regularly check that actions taken to improve the school are having the intended impact.

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