Marine Academy Primary

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About Marine Academy Primary

Name Marine Academy Primary
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Georgina Reid
Address Trevithick Road, St. Budeaux, Plymouth, PL5 2AF
Phone Number 01752213939
Phase Academy
Type Free schools
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 507
Local Authority Plymouth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils of all ages and abilities thrive at Marine Academy Primary. The headteacher and other leaders set exceptionally high expectations.

They are determined that all pupils leave the school as confident and inspired lifelong learners.

Pupils' behaviour and attitudes to learning are exemplary. They follow the school's 'MAP manners' and 'STAR' expectations at all times.

Pupils know to respect the person speaking and to be polite towards adults and each other. Bullying is rare. Pupils have complete confidence that staff will sort out any disagreements.

They feel safe and well looked after by kind, encouraging adults.

Leaders meticulously plan ...opportunities to enrich the curriculum. Pupils benefit enormously from first-hand experiences to complement their learning.

These include visits to places of worship, talks from experts and residential trips to London and Paris. Pupils enthuse about the impressive range of clubs, including field-gun, cheerleading and debating clubs. They say that there is something for everyone to get involved with.

Parents and carers are positive about the education their children receive. One said, 'The school goes above and beyond every single day.' Other parents echoed this view.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Senior staff, including governors and trustees, lead the school with an unfaltering moral purpose. They are highly successful in raising pupils' aspirations and reducing social disadvantage. Leaders place no ceiling on any pupil's learning or ambitions.

Leaders have crafted an innovative curriculum. Right from early years, it captures pupils' interests and imagination. Curriculum thinking in all subjects details the precise knowledge and skills that pupils need to succeed as well-rounded individuals.

Lessons connect and build on what pupils have learned before. In music, for example, older pupils draw on their prior knowledge of musical notation when composing. Across all subjects, pupils secure and deepen their learning exceptionally well.

Children in early years get off to an excellent start. Staff place a sharp focus on developing children's language and communication skills. They surround children with books and meaningful opportunities to develop their speech and vocabulary.

Skilled adults make sure that children make the most of every learning moment. In Reception and key stage 1, leaders have secured a consistent approach to phonics teaching. Staff draw on their expert knowledge to ensure that pupils progress rapidly, including the most disadvantaged.

They quickly notice those who are at risk of falling behind and they give them extra help to keep up. Staff make sure that pupils read books matched to the sounds they know. This allows them to develop their fluency and expression.

Leaders and staff place great importance on the teaching of reading. They use creative ways to bring reading alive, from author visits to 'drop everything and read' time. Pupils love reading.

Many enthuse about how reading 'unlocks your imagination' and brings learning to life. Teachers are skilled at linking reading with other subjects. For example, pupils in Year 6 have a deeper understanding of the civil rights movement in history from the books they read in English.

Leaders show a strong commitment to all staff. Their efforts to develop the most effective teaching methods in school are paying off. Staff are highly trained and knowledgeable.

They use ongoing assessment and revisit learning to help the most important knowledge stick in pupils' memory.

Leaders are quick to identify potential barriers to learning for disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Staff expertly adapt the curriculum and provide bespoke resources to meet pupils' precise needs.

Pupils with SEND enjoy the same opportunities to take part in the school's ambitious curriculum as their peers. As a result, pupils with SEND achieve highly in all subjects.

Pupils' behaviour is impeccable.

Leaders have developed a culture where only the very best will do. From early years to Year 6, pupils strive for excellence. They listen attentively, care for others and move sensibly around the school.

Leaders' work to develop pupils' opportunities beyond the academic is outstanding. They deliberately place pupils' personal development at the heart of all decisions. Pupils give back to the community by reading stories online to elderly adults.

They confidently challenge all forms of discrimination, including gender stereotyping and racism. In the 'starfish of the week' assembly, leaders celebrate pupils' talents and achievements. They encourage them to aim high and be proud.

Pupils are well-equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to contribute positively to the school and the wider world.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have created a strong safeguarding culture.

They ensure that keeping pupils safe is everyone's responsibility. Staff know the procedures to follow when reporting concerns. Leaders make timely and well-informed decisions to get families the help they need.

Governors and trust staff regularly check the effectiveness of the school's work, including safer recruitment procedures.

Through the curriculum, pupils learn how to keep themselves safe. They know ways to stay safe when online, basic first aid and the importance of leading a healthy and active lifestyle.

Also at this postcode
Marine Academy Plymouth

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