Marion Richardson Primary School

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About Marion Richardson Primary School

Name Marion Richardson Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Julia Burns
Address Senrab Street, London, E1 0QF
Phone Number 02077901441
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 468
Local Authority Tower Hamlets
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are proud to be part of their school. Staff have the highest expectations for all pupils, including those who are disadvantaged or who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Pupils rise to meet these expectations in relation to academic work and conduct. Pupils show exceptional levels of politeness and mutual respect. They take part in debate and discussion with confidence.

The school is highly inclusive. Pupils have a strong understanding of equality and diversity. They have learned about the role of key historical figures from the past in achieving greater equality.

Pupils apply their learning about fundamental British values in s...chool. For example, they vote for each other to take up positions of leadership. They can take on roles such as playground buddies and anti-bullying ambassadors.

Pupils nominate staff and each other for 'butterflies', which exemplify the school values.

Pupils behave remarkably well. They enjoy agreeing their own class behaviour expectations.

Pupils understand the school's shared approach to behaviour. Incidents of bullying are rare. When they happen, staff deal with them quickly.

As a result, pupils are safe at school. They make a notable contribution to the school and wider community.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have designed an engaging and ambitious curriculum.

It starts in the early years. The curriculum includes exciting opportunities for pupils to broaden their understanding of the world. There are many outings to places of educational interest.

In the early years, children bake cakes and take them to a local fire station. This supports their learning about people who help us in the community. Pupils are very well prepared for the next stages of education.

The curriculum is well planned and carefully sequenced across all subjects. The school has identified the essential knowledge and skills that pupils need. Subject content is broken down into small steps of learning.

There are regular opportunities for pupils to recall and build on prior knowledge. Teachers plan activities that enable them to check pupils' understanding with precision. For instance, in Year 6 mathematics, teachers prioritised the teaching of decimals based on prior assessments.

Pupils who speak English as an additional language and pupils with SEND receive excellent support. This enables pupils to know and remember the content of the curriculum. Pupils are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage of their education.

Leaders have developed robust systems for identifying and supporting pupils with SEND. They review and adapt pupils' support plans and targets each term. Teachers and highly skilled support staff work with pupils with SEND sensitively.

They make adaptations that enable pupils to reach the same ambitious end-points as their peers.The school is a language-rich environment with reading at its core. There is high ambition for all pupils to read fluently and for pleasure.

All staff are trained to teach phonics. Staff identify pupils who are struggling with their reading. They put appropriate support in place so that pupils can catch up.

Pupils take home well-matched decodable books and a book of their choice each week. Teachers check carefully how much pupils are reading at home. They run workshops for parents so that they know how to read with their child.

Older pupils have regular reading sessions that provide them with a rich choice of texts. Pupils benefit from an emphasis on reading and vocabulary in all subjects. They speak with enthusiasm about the diverse range of literary genres and authors they encounter.

These build on prior reading and prepare pupils for future texts confidently.

The school makes sure that there is a common understanding of the behaviour policy. This results in excellent behaviour and attitudes across the school.

During lessons, pupils remain focused and concentrate very well. The school encourages pupils to participate in highly effective strategies to promote regular attendance at school. Pupils understand the negative impact that patchy attendance can have on their education.

There are many opportunities for pupils to develop their talents and interests. There is strong take-up of after-school clubs such as gymnastics and computing. From the early years, children learn how to eat healthily.

Through the curriculum, all pupils gain a secure understanding of how to stay safe. Pupils visit local places of worship to enhance their appreciation of world faiths. Pupils have visited the Bank of England and have benefited from talks about careers in mathematics and finance.

Pupils have a well-developed understanding of financial management. Pupils participate in theatre company visits that develop their enjoyment of storytelling.

Governors work closely with leaders to provide appropriate challenge and support.

Leaders prioritise staff's workload and well-being. Staff appreciate this and enjoy being part of this team.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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