Market Harborough Church of England Academy

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About Market Harborough Church of England Academy

Name Market Harborough Church of England Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Co Headteacher Emmaline Tayler
Address Fairfield Road, Market Harborough, LE16 9QH
Phone Number 01858464112
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 5-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 388
Local Authority Leicestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The school has improved considerably since the last inspection, as a result of strong, determined leadership.

Leaders quickly established clear plans for improvement. The resulting actions have led to improved teaching in most year groups, and improved attainment and progress in reading, writing and mathematics. The quality of teaching and support for disadvantaged pupils has improved rapidly.

In 2018, disadvantaged pupils' progress was above that of other pupils nationally. Teachers have high expectations of pupils. They insist that pupils present their work to a high standard, and pupils' books confirm their pride in their work.
.../>Teachers use skilful assessment and questioning to ensure that pupils develop secure understanding and work productively in lessons. The curriculum is broad and balanced. Leaders' current work to review the curriculum has had a marked impact on the quality of teaching and learning in science and history.

Relationships are strong throughout the school and pupils in all year groups show positive attitudes to learning. Safeguarding procedures are effective. Pupils say that they feel safe in school and that bullying is rare.

Pupils' behaviour is good. They collaborate well in lessons and show courtesy and kindness at playtimes and as they move around school. Leadership and teaching in the early years are good.

Children make good progress during the Reception Year and are well prepared for Year 1. On occasion, the outdoor activities in the afternoon sessions do not support children's learning and development as effectively as those in the morning. The teaching of mathematics has improved.

However, in some instances, the most able pupils are not moved on quickly enough to more demanding activities. Pupils' awareness and appreciation of a range of faiths and cultures other than Christianity are not as well promoted as other areas of their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

Information about this school

Market Harborough Church of England Academy is larger than the average-sized primary school.

The proportion of disadvantaged pupils is below the national average. The proportion of pupils with SEND is broadly in line with the national average. A broadly average proportion of pupils is of White British heritage.

The proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language is well below the national average. The responsibility for the governance of the school lies with the Learn At multi-academy trust. They delegate specific areas of responsibility to the local governing body.

Also at this postcode
Premier @ Market Harborough

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