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Pupils at Marston Green are proud of their school. They understand that the school has high expectations for them, and they rise to these.
Pupils feel safe in school. They value their teachers and have absolute confidence that they will be supported with any worries or concerns they might have. Relationships are highly positive.
Staff know each pupil and their families well.
The school wants all pupils to reach their full potential. This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Many pupils achieve well, particularly in reading and writing. Pupils value the exciting learning opportunities available to them. They conce...ntrate very well in lessons.
Pupils can learn without interruption. The school is a calm environment conducive to learning because pupils behave very well.
Pupils get to carry out a range of leadership roles in school.
Play leaders enjoy the responsibility of supporting other pupils at breaktime and lunchtime. There is a range of activities pupils can take part in to make their social time more enjoyable. Pupils appreciate the friendships they forge in school.
They have a strong sense of equality and inclusivity. They support each other and are sensitive to the needs of others.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school lives by its motto of 'every learning opportunity is a reading opportunity'.
Pupils immerse themselves in high-quality texts. They visit the well-stocked library regularly. Staff help pupils choose books that will interest them.
These actions help pupils develop into keen readers. The school identifies any gaps pupils have in reading as soon as they join the school. Staff address these without delay.
They support pupils well to catch up with their peers. As a result, most pupils make good progress with reading.
The school identifies pupils with SEND swiftly.
It provides bespoke support to address each pupil's individual needs. Carefully considered adaptations are effective. These include adaptations to the curriculum, the environment and the resources pupils use.
They work well.
Teachers receive ongoing training that allows them to deliver the planned curriculum effectively. Ambitious plans, underpinned by pupils learning and understanding rich vocabulary, reflect the school's high ambition.
Some curriculum areas are of a high quality. For example, in science and music, teachers ensure that pupils make links with what they have learned previously. Teachers check how well pupils understand and address any misconceptions without delay.
For some disadvantaged pupils, the school does not identify the barriers that are delaying progress and understanding in some curriculum areas. This limits the outcomes some of these pupils achieve by the time they leave school. This is particularly true in mathematics, where pupils do not achieve the same standards as they do in reading and writing.
The school has started to address this, but it has not had enough time for its work to be reflected in published results.Pupils exhibit flawless behaviour. The school is a place where all pupils can learn without disruption, and they do.
Every classroom is calm and purposeful. Pupils work with a sensible approach and show diligence. They show excellent attitudes to learning.
Pupils understand the simple school policy that expects them to demonstrate the SMART values: safe, manners, attitudes, respect and teamwork. Pupils live these out every day. They are well mannered and polite.
Pupils show a high level of respect at all times. Pupils attend school regularly.
Pupils learn about different religions and cultures.
The school is awash with books that support this understanding. These accompany a curriculum that the school has constructed with care. Pupils respect and celebrate the many differences people have in school and in the wider world.
Pupils enjoy taking on a range of leadership roles. The school provides many opportunities for trips and visits. These include a residential in Year 6, which most pupils take part in.
These opportunities contribute well to pupils' personal development.
Parents and carers value all the school has to offer. The school takes its duty to support staff seriously.
It does this very well. It is a praiseworthy aspect of the school's work. Staff value the support and guidance they receive to be the best teachers they can be.
This includes teachers at the very start of their careers. Staff are very proud to work at the school and to call themselves part of the Marston Green team.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• The school does not identify and address all of the barriers disadvantaged pupils face with their learning. These pupils do not always achieve outcomes in line with their peers. The school should ensure that a clear, cohesive and consistent strategy supports all staff in their work to secure the best outcomes for disadvantaged pupils.
• The school does not ensure that all pupils have the secure foundational knowledge they need in mathematics. This hinders pupils' ability to build on prior learning and succeed with later learning. The school should ensure that gaps in pupils' foundational knowledge in mathematics are addressed to enable pupils to build on prior learning and succeed with later learning.