Martongate Primary School

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About Martongate Primary School

Name Martongate Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr David Carruthers
Address Martongate, Bridlington, YO16 6YD
Phone Number 01262673975
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 405
Local Authority East Riding of Yorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils at Martongate Primary School are happy and polite. The school ensures that everyone understands its vision to develop pupils into active citizens, who 'can contribute to a better tomorrow'.

For example, pupils in the eco-club support environmental sustainability by holding toy and clothes swaps.The ethos of the school focuses on care and nurture. Pupils feel safe and relationships with adults are positive and supportive.

Although pupils largely behave well, behaviour can be variable in lessons. The new behaviour policy is not securely understood by pupils. Pupils do know what bullying is.

Some parents and pupils consider that bullying is a problem and not dealt with effectively. However, the school does take bullying seriously and follows up any alleged bullying incidents.Pupils generally benefit from calm classroom environments in which they can learn.

Despite this, the school has not overcome some pupils' reluctance to interact with or contribute to learning discussions. The school community was significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. It is still recovering.

The school has reviewed its curriculum to better meet the needs of the pupils after their lockdown experience. In some subjects, curriculum development is at an earlier stage.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Post pandemic, the school recognised pupils' resilience and motivation to learn was weak.

The school consequently reviewed the curriculum with an aim of inspiring pupils to learn. The curriculum structure of some subjects is more advanced than others. In some subjects, like art and design and geography, the curriculum is well planned and sequenced.

The school has mapped out what pupils need to learn. In other subjects, such as design and technology, this is less clear. In these subjects, the curriculum, and the work that pupils produce, does not show a coherent building of knowledge over time.

In most subjects, the school checks what pupils remember at the end of each unit of work. However, the school does not use this information effectively to address gaps in pupils' learning. Some pupils struggle to connect their knowledge.

For example, some pupils can talk about what they are currently learning in geography but cannot link this to any previous learning. In addition, work in pupils books lacks sequence over time.The provision for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is variable.

Systems to indicate how adults should support pupils with SEND in class are unclear. The school does not have a secure picture of how well the needs of pupils with SEND are met.The school prioritised the teaching of early reading with the introduction of a new phonics programme in January 2022.

Currently, some pupils in every year group require extra phonics or reading support. The school recognises that the additional phonics catch-up sessions delivered during the 2022-2023 academic year were not effective enough. This year, the school is providing these important sessions more regularly.

Pupils' reading books match the sounds they know. Pupils are using their phonic knowledge to blend new and unfamiliar words.Post pandemic, the school analysed the gaps in pupils' mathematical understanding.

The weaknesses were in key areas, such as number bonds and calculation. The school has introduced several new approaches, reacting to weak end of key stage outcomes. In lessons, pupils work with a partner to help and support each other.

While this engages some pupils, others do not answer questions and become disengaged. This behaviour is not challenged sufficiently in some classrooms. Gaps in pupils' understanding persist.

The school provides a range of opportunities, including whole-school assemblies, to teach aspects of the personal development curriculum, such as fundamental British values and the protected characteristics. However, pupils have a limited understanding of this important curriculum content.The school has a whole-school approach to improving pupils' mental health and well-being.

Adults support pupils well in the 'Honeypot' enhanced provision with initiatives, like art therapy, music or gardening tasks. Pupils access this space to help regulate their behaviour.In the early years, the school has the highest ambition for children.

There is a clear focus on language and communication development. Adults model sentences to children to encourage conversation. The learning environment is well planned, inviting and engaging.

There is an underpinning ethos to teach children about the world around them. Children enjoy a range of learning experiences, such as counting chess pieces in the mathematics area, writing on easels or using equipment in play dough. As a result, children have a positive start to their education.

The governing body has systems to hold leaders to account. They link their governor activity to an aspect of school improvement. However, their endeavours have not ensured that pupils receive a good quality of education.

The school has begun to address the demands of staff workload. Subject leaders have additional time to lead their subject. However, for some staff, workload has a negative impact on their well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

During the inspection there were some minor improvements the school made to ensure that the checks on adults who work at the school were complete.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The school does not have a sufficiently consistent approach to improve pupils' understanding and achievement in mathematics.

Pupils' attainment and progress at the end of key stage 2 is below national expectation. The school should develop and implement a consistent approach to teaching mathematics, which enables pupils to build and recall the most important mathematical knowledge they need to achieve success. ? In some subjects, the learning sequence is inconsistent.

Pupils struggle to recall key subject knowledge and to make links between current and prior learning. Staff are not clear on when to move learning on. The school must ensure that the learning sequence is clear in all subjects and that there are clear processes for checking what pupils know and can remember over time.

• The school does not ensure that there are clear systems to support pupils with SEND. This means the school does not have an accurate picture of what these pupils need and how they are supported. The school should ensure that systems to identify and support pupils with SEND provide the information needed to enable pupils to succeed.

• Some aspects of the school's personal development offer are not as well developed as others. This means that some pupils' knowledge of British values and world religions is insecure. The school should provide more explicit opportunities for pupils to develop their understanding in these areas.

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